Found 1042 resources.
Food is necessary to live, remain healthy, and work. The Improving Access to Nutrition Act, introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) May 16, would keep food on the tables of people struggling to find quality employment—instead of leaving them to find a job on an empty stomach.
Topics: Asset building, Food insecurity, Nutrition, Stability
Shared by Housing Is
on May 28, 2019 0
On May 21, 2019, the Center for Universal Education and the Future of the Middle Class Initiative at Brookings co-hosted a symposium titled “Building the workforce of the future: Resilient people and places.” Policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and thought leaders from the government, corporate, and nonprofit sectors convened to discuss education and economic development strategies that can provide locally relevant solutions to enhance economic and social mobility.
Topics: Asset building, Low-income, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
on May 28, 2019 0
On May 20, the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program and George Washington University’s Center for Washington Area Studies (CWAS) co-hosted an event to discuss housing growth and affordability in the Capital Region. The event started with the presentation of a new report by CWAS Director Leah Brooks. An expert panel discussed what local governments, developers, and affordable housing advocates can do to make sure the region meets the housing needs of all its residents.
Topics: East Coast, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Research
Shared by Housing Is
on May 28, 2019 0
Child poverty is an urgent and preventable crisis. Solutions to child poverty already exist if we just expand and invest in them. Benefits like nutrition assistance, housing vouchers and tax credits helped lift nearly 7 million children out of poverty in 2017, but millions of children were left behind due to inadequate funding, eligibility restrictions and low wages. We can and must fix these problems to help more children escape poverty now.
Topics: Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Food insecurity, Funding, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
on May 28, 2019 0
Join CLPHA and the Kresge Foundation as we announce the release of our new report, Eliminating Barriers to Postsecondary Success: Cross-Sector Collaborations to Improve Postsecondary Achievement for Students Served by Public Housing Authorities. The report provides an overview of promising practices at the intersection of public housing providers and higher education shared during a convening of five pioneering PHAs and their postsecondary partners. This press event is open to all attendees and will be immediately followed by a panel discussion, which will spotlight the innovative housing and...
Topics: CLPHA, Communications, Education, Homelessness, Housing, Partnerships, Post-secondary
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
With ever-growing interest in the intersection between housing and health, researchers are evaluating the impact of cross-sector interventions. This session will bring together researchers to share insights from their work relevant to practitioners and policymakers.
Topics: CLPHA, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Research, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Senior Advisor John Bravacos will reflect on HUD’s efforts to work across agencies and sectors to improve life outcomes for low-income people.
Topics: CLPHA, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Foundations often play a leadership role in forging innovative cross-sector collaboration. Hear from funders about their philanthropic giving and impact investing strategies aimed at expanding opportunity and improving long-term life outcomes for lower-income individuals and communities.
Topics: CLPHA, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Dr. Camara Jones, a Senior Fellow at Morehouse School of Medicine and a past president of the American Public Health Association, will discuss systemic, historical inequities that constrict the social safety net and ways cross-sector collaboration can help improve health outcomes, educational attainment, and housing stability.
Topics: Health, Housing, Racial inequalities, Research
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Building Internal PHA Capacity for Cross-Sector Partnerships: How to creatively expand and enhance internal capacity to support cross-sector partnerships.
Topics: CLPHA, Education, Health, Housing, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Recent research shows that place matters in economic mobility. Strong neighborhoods and community resources can have long-term impact on educational achievements and earnings. Building off of this research, David Williams from Opportunity Insights will discuss how PHAs are collaborating with researchers to develop and evaluate effective interventions for families with young children.
Topics: CLPHA, Mobility, Partnerships, Place-based, Research
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
A landmark National Academies of Sciences report commissioned by Congress concludes that childhood poverty in the U.S. could be cut in half within a decade with appropriate action. The report culls through the existing evidence-base to identify the most impactful existing policies including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and housing assistance. This panel will also discuss promising new policies that if enacted could help reduce poverty such as the child allowance.
Topics: Child welfare, CLPHA, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Congresswoman Barbara Lee, long-serving progressive leader and member of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, and Co-Chair of the Democratic Policy and Steering Committee, will give remarks on congressional efforts to reduce child poverty.
Topics: Child welfare, CLPHA, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
Although today’s U.S. labor market is strong and unemployment is low, many working-age American remain marginalized. As communities across the country grapple with the challenges of an ever-evolving labor market, this report provides a framework for local leaders to grow good jobs through industrial development strategies that are based on their regions’ unique capabilities.
Topics: Asset building, Community development, Legislation & Policy, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
on May 24, 2019 0
African-Americans are three times more likely to die from asthma as whites. In Philadelphia and elsewhere, how can outcomes improve with changes to housing quality and pollution control?
Topics: Asthma, Health, Housing, Low-income, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is
on May 23, 2019 0
For more than 85 tenants who call the Mercantile Wharf building home, the future looked dire. The owner of the historic North End building announced they could opt out of a subsidized-housing program, which would allow the landlord to get more than double the rent at market rate — and effectively forcing the low and moderate income residents to move.
Topics: East Coast, Housing, Mobility
Shared by Housing Is
on May 23, 2019 0
While homeownership has been linked to positive health outcomes there is limited evidence regarding the conditions under which it may be health protective. We present a conceptual model linking homeownership to health, highlighting key potential pathways. Using the Detroit Metropolitan Area as a case study, and data from the American Community Survey (2009–2013; 5-years estimates) and Michigan Department of Community Health, we tested the following questions: (1) Is neighborhood percentage non-Hispanic Black (NHB) associated with homeownership? (2) Is neighborhood percentage NHB associated...
Topics: Health, Housing, Research
Shared by Housing Is
on May 23, 2019 0
In May 2018, Kaiser Permanente, the largest private integrated care system in the US, announced that it would invest $200 million through its Thriving Communities Fund to address the affordable housing crisis in California’s Bay Area. Then in 2019, Kaiser announced that it used the fund to purchase an apartment building in a diverse but quickly gentrifying neighborhood in Oakland with the express purpose of making repairs and upgrades to improve health in the building and to ensure affordability to current residents. If Kaiser wanted to improve health, why wouldn’t it focus solely on housing...
Topics: Health, Housing, Low-income
Shared by Housing Is
on May 23, 2019 0
Early childhood education programs can impact life outcomes in ways that span generations, according to new research from Nobel laureate James Heckman. In a pair of companion papers released this week, the pioneering University of Chicago economist found that the children of those who participated in a landmark 1960s study still saw improvements in education, health and employment. The children saw such benefits without participating in the same preschool program as their parents—suggesting that early education can contribute to lasting upward mobility and help break cycles of poverty
Topics: Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Family engagement, Research
Shared by Housing Is
on May 21, 2019 0
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was first developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1990 to assess the health risk behaviors of youth and adults in the United States. For the first time since the survey has been widely administered, the 2017 YRBS optional question list included two questions pertaining to homelessness. SchoolHouse Connection analyzed demographic and risk factor data from the YRBS in 17 states[1], comparing high school students experiencing homelessness and those not experiencing homelessness. This series shares the striking and heartbreaking...
Topics: Education, Homelessness, Low-income, Research, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
on May 21, 2019 0
This webinar explored strategies for leveraging data to support college and career readiness and success (CCRS) goals for all students, with special emphasis on students in foster care. With access to quality data, education and child welfare agencies can work together to improve educational outcomes and promote CCRS for students in foster care. Presenters discussed a set of emerging practices that serve as examples of how states can use and link data to support CCRS. As states work to fulfill the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), this webinar also aims to provide...
Topics: Asset building, Foster care, Post-secondary, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
on May 21, 2019 0
Explains the provisions in the Family First Prevention Services Act related to reducing reliance on congregate care and explores approaches to achieve this goal. This webinar includes a summary of the provisions and examples from agencies that have successfully reduced the number of children in group care. Presenters from child welfare agencies in Connecticut and Oklahoma share strategies used to increase the number of children who safely remain with their families or in the least restrictive, most family-like setting.
Topics: Child welfare, Foster care, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
on May 21, 2019 0
This report highlights the development and implementation of a mentoring program for college students in foster care in New York City through a strategic partnership that was forged among New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services, Goldman Sachs and Casey Family Programs. The program is designed to expose youth to professional and experiential opportunities through a series of one-on-one meetings and group workshops. Students have the opportunity to become familiar with the Goldman Sachs corporate environment, understand various business sectors and explore the roles and...
Topics: Child welfare, Foster care, Partnerships, Research, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
on May 21, 2019 0
Puerto Rico faces enormous challenges due to its history as a colony, the state of its finances, and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and the US response to it. This has created a will to rebuild the island’s economy in line with a more community-owned vision. In this webinar, we hear from a number of people involved in and leading that effort.
Topics: Asset building, Community development, U.S. Territories
Shared by Housing Is
on May 20, 2019 0
How do you fix health inequity in the United States? The education and health-care communities as well as policymakers must consider what are known as the social determinants of health as an integral part of solving this dilemma. Additionally, communities need to stop thinking of health care as care only received in a medical environment such as a hospital or clinic. Instead we must consider health-care holistically as a service given in our homes, our schools, our workplaces, our parks and our communities. These services are provided by an array of health-care providers, including nurses,...
Topics: Food insecurity, Health, Lead, Legislation & Policy, Nutrition, Racial inequalities, Transportation
Shared by Housing Is
on May 20, 2019