Found 9 resources.
The blog post and research on How Housing Matters focus on housing for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) and highlight the critical need to go beyond shelter in supporting survivors in overcoming abuse. Domestic violence and housing stability intersect in unique, multifaceted ways. Survivors from marginalized communities face even greater challenges as they navigate toward safety and stability. Promising emerging evidence shows what is working well, yet bringing these resources to all communities cannot be slow. Fully scaling and implementing survivor- and equity-centered...
Topics: Domestic violence, Homelessness, Housing

The Battered Women’s Shelter in Akron has gotten funding from HUD to cover rent and other living expenses for domestic violence victims after they leave shelters for the past decade. HUD has now approved $1.7 million to be distributed to other Ohio cities for this purpose.
Topics: Domestic violence, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Midwest
It’s no secret that survivors of domestic and sexual violence make up a large percentage of the families and individuals who seek help from the homeless/housing services system. No one expects homeless/housing programs to become an extension of the victim services system. But the intersection between homelessness and domestic and sexual violence requires both systems to do their work with that reality in mind.
Topics: Child welfare, Domestic violence, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships, Safety
Percent of Families with Children Eligible for Shelter Due to Domestic Violence, by Community District (July 2014–December 2015)
Topics: Child welfare, Domestic violence, East Coast, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Research, Safety
National estimates are that roughly 80% of homeless mothers with children have previously experienced domestic violence. Even with its strict and limited definition of homelessness, applying this estimate to HUD’s most recent data reveals that over 230,000 children living in shelter have been exposed to the traumatic and long-term effects of domestic violence at some point. At a time when the nation is experiencing a national crisis of child homelessness, we can no longer afford to ignore this critical connection.
Topics: Child welfare, Domestic violence, East Coast, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Safety
Around the country, there is a growing understanding that survivors of domestic violence often need more than emergency shelter to become safe from violence and establish stable homes. Communities are employing innovative strategies and practices that help address survivors’ unique situations, such as flexible funding and domestic violence rapid re-housing. This momentum is matched by increasing resources from federal, state, and local funders interested in supporting safe housing solutions. But until stakeholders recognize the extent of the need for safe housing, many survivors will continue...
Topics: Domestic violence, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships, Safety
Part of New York State’s Homelessness Action Plan includes an investment of new supportive housing resources and services over the next five years to address vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness. Therefore, the availability of and access to various support services such as employment and training opportunities, parenting, counseling, independent living skills training, primary healthcare, substance disorder treatment and mental health care, child care, and benefits advocacy are critical components of any project funded under this plan.
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Criminal justice, Disabilities, Domestic violence, Foster care, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Substance abuse, Supportive housing, Youth

Topics: Child welfare, Criminal justice, Domestic violence, East Coast, Family engagement, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research, Safety, Supportive housing, Youth

A Nashville elementary school takes a comprehensive approach to trauma-informed practices, creating a space where students feel known and supported.
Topics: Child welfare, Depression, Domestic violence, Education, Low-income, Mental health, Safety, Youth