Found 9 resources.
Self-paced courses for home visitors and supervisors and webinars that cover: the basics of home visiting, foundations of infant mental health in home visiting, domestic violence in home visiting, substance abuse in home visiting, the impact of trauma on home visiting, building engaging and collaborative relationships with families, and home visiting with families during pregnancy.
Topics: Child welfare, Early childhood, Health, Home visiting

A Summary of Results from the MIHOPE and MIHOPE-STRONG Start Studies of Evidence-Based Home Visiting
A healthy birth and positive experiences in early childhood can promote health and development. One approach that has improved outcomes for children and their parents is home visiting, which provides individually tailored support, resources, and information to expectant parents and families with young children. This brief summarizes recently published reports from two national studies of evidence-based early childhood home visiting: the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation (MIHOPE) and MIHOPE-Strong Start.
Topics: Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Home visiting, Metrics, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Research
CLPHA’s Education Working Group hosts a webinar with Bright by Text, a texting platform that connects caregivers with tools for improving educational outcomes for children. Bright by Text’s President and Senior Program Manager share information about their partnerships with housing authorities and non-profit housing providers across the country, providing insight into the benefits of connecting with residents through technology. CLPHA members who work with Bright by Text outline their respective initiatives and discussed local program goals.
Topics: Child welfare, CLPHA, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Family engagement, Health, Home visiting, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Safety, School-readiness
The third in a series of Research-to-Impact briefs by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago on understanding and addressing youth homelessness.
Topics: Early childhood, Family engagement, Home visiting, Low-income, Partnerships, Pre-natal, Research, Youth
The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont aims
to coordinate care and assist participants in accessing the health care and support services they need to maintain their health and age comfortably and safely in their homes. Most program participants are residents of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-assisted properties or Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
(LIHTC) properties. Our objective is to estimate the impact of the first 5 1/2 years of the SASH program on the Medicare expenditures of these participants.
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Dual-eligibles, East Coast, Health, Home visiting, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics, Seniors

This report examines four specific aspects of the challenge before us:
• The need for a much greater supply of homes affordable to our nation’s lowest-income seniors.
• The importance of transforming homes and communities so that seniors can age with options, a desire shared by the overwhelming majority of older adults.
• The imperative to better integrate health care and supportive services with housing, recognizing that this integration has the potential to improve health outcomes for seniors and reduce the costs borne by the health care system.
• The need to deploy technologies on a far...
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Funding, Health, Home visiting, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Seniors, Supportive housing

In Boston, Massachusetts, the Boston Housing Authority, Boston Public Health Commission, the city’s Inspectional Services Department, the Boston Foundation, and local universities and medical institutions have come together over the last decade-plus to address the intersection of health and housing. Motivated by a desire to improve the lives of Boston’s most vulnerable residents, these organizations began collaborating to address asthma and, more recently, to prioritize housing and health needs for pregnant women. By bridging anchor institutions, foundations, and city agencies around health...
Topics: Asthma, Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, East Coast, Exercise, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Home visiting, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Nutrition, Obesity, Partnerships, Pre-natal, Preventative care, Research, Smoke-free

A Snapshot of Housing Affordability for Healthcare Workers
Topics: Health, Healthy homes, Home visiting, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income

Over the past decade, new research has revealed the link between early trauma and lifelong mental health issues. These discoveries have since revolutionized social work, healthcare, and early education. Policy changes enacted in response to our understanding of the biology of trauma are prioritizing earlier interventions like nurse home visiting services for at-risk families, and an increase in pre-kindergarten programs.
This short animation by Nadja Oertelt is part of The Atlantic’s Next America: Early Childhood project, which is supported by grants from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and...
Topics: Child welfare, Cost effectiveness, Early childhood, Home visiting, Mental health, Research