Found 354 resources.
Hear from the Corporation of Supportive Housing on ways and supports to use Medicaid resources on topics such as understanding all components of billing Medicaid for intensive supportive housing case management, and staffing and budgeting training. This will be of particular interest for California, Washington State, and the District of Columbia PHAs and their partners, but all are welcome to learn more about what can be achieved in your community.
Topics: Health, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Medicaid / Medicare

Ever wondered what health centers are close to your public housing property? Check out this map to learn more.
Topics: Health, Housing

Developed by listening to our community, the Alliance has compiled seven hallmarks that make up a person-first health system.
Topics: Advocacy, Community development, Health, Healthy homes, Medicaid / Medicare


Building and maintaining effective community partnerships is a critical component of health center management and community involvement. Local partners help integrate important stakeholders into organizational processes and empower health centers to better understand and care for the communities they serve. But can health centers design and evaluate their partnerships? In this webinar, we reviewed tools and procedures for designing, evaluating, and strengthening community partnerships with a focus on pragmatic, practical and innovative solutions.
Topics: Health, Housing, Partnerships


A Community Health Worker Program Development & Toolkit for Affordable Housing and Community Development Organizations
Topics: Health, Healthy homes, Housing


Play is not only beneficial but essential for people of all ages. Today, there is increasing interest in the benefits of not only play itself, but specifically people from younger and older generations playing together. The built environment in our communities plays a critical role in facilitating this intergenerational engagement and play. Approaches such as Intergenerational Contact Zones (ICZs) introduce strategies for promoting social inclusion and belonging, employing novel ways of planning and designing public spaces to create intergenerationally enriched environments that provide...
Topics: Community development, Dual-generation, Exercise, Health, Seniors, Youth


ASTHO comes to our health agencies and partners saddened by our country's recent mass shooting. We mourn the losses of life from firearm violence as our families, schools, and communities continue to be impacted. ASTHO supports you now more than ever. The epidemic of firearm-related injury and death in the United States has become a critical public health and safety concern that affects everyone.
Topics: Community development, Criminal justice, Health, Mental health, Research


Please join us for a time to hear from PHA leaders and industry professionals on key cross-sector topics of interest. This month will focus on strategies for working with your health department including presentations from those in the field and tips from your fellow PHAs already doing the work.
Topics: Health, Housing Is Working Group, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships


The findings from a Syracuse University study linking universal school meal policies with improved school attendance for young students provides a strong case for expanding free school meals, according to school nutrition and attendance experts.
Topics: Attendance, Early childhood, Education, Food insecurity, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, Youth


Poor maternal and child health (MCH) outcomes and rates of chronic disease are persistently high in the United States and concentrated in rural and service-deprived areas where local health departments provide most care. In a new Milbank Quarterly study, Taryn A. G. Quinlan, Amelia L. Mitchell, and Glen P. Mays of the Colorado School of Public Health use national survey data from 630 local health departments to understand the relationship between social service collaboration and the provision of direct MCH services, such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and...
Topics: dual-generation initiative, Early childhood, Health, Low-income, Partnerships, Research

Successful diabetes care for vulnerable populations demands a multi-prong approach, deploying direct health interventions, medications, and support from a range of community resources to address the social determinants, which impact diabetes. This brief will highlight, through case studies and program descriptions, the important role of non-clinical staff in both the health center and housing setting to support individuals and families struggling to prevent and keep diabetes conditions under control.
Topics: Health, Housing

The 2021 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report, Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care defined a need for coordinated primary care leadership at the federal level. n a new Milbank Memorial Fund report, the Center for Professionalism and Value in Health Care’s Robert L. Phillips, Jr., Milbank Memorial Fund’s Christopher F. Koller, and Covered California’s Alice Hm Chen expand on NASEM recommendations and call for congressional support to establish an Office of Primary Care at the federal level to coordinate existing...
Topics: COVID-19, Health, Low-income, Mental health, Substance abuse, Workforce development, Youth

On October 13, 2022, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra extended the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, effective through January 11, 2023. While when the Public Health Emergency will end is still unknown, when it does, state Medicaid and CHIP plans will begin reassessing the eligibility of all recipients to confirm they still meet the eligibility requirements (“redetermination”).
At the Housing Is Working Group webinar on November 8, 2022, we heard from UnitedHealthcare about the important actions needed to ensure individuals retain their Medicaid enrollment and how PHA staff can support...
Topics: Health, Housing Is Working Group, Medicaid / Medicare

According to UN-Habitat, the world needs to build 96,000 affordable homes every day to address the
global housing crisis by 2030. Yet, better utilizing existing housing stock—through options such as shared
housing—can make a significant dent in the need to build more housing. With college students often
challenged to find affordable housing and many older adults living alone in homes with spare bedrooms,
these two groups are increasingly benefitting from living together. Universities are often well-suited to
facilitate students living and learning with older adults in nearby communities...
Topics: Community development, dual-generation initiative, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Mental health, Seniors, Youth

NCHPH has catalogued promising practices on health center and housing partnerships that were identified during T/TA activities. Some promising practices in this publication include collaboration strategies to address COVID-19, flu vaccination efforts, smoking cessation, access to health care, and more.
Topics: Health

Getting regular exercise can be a challenge, but there are many positive benefits, particularly for
people with diabetes.
Topics: Exercise, Health, Healthy homes, Nutrition

The Effects of ‘Food Deserts’ on Public Housing Residents Living with Diabetes
Topics: Energy, Exercise, Health, Healthy homes, Mobility, Nutrition

This toolkit by NCHPH and NNCC provides information and resources for health center staff to partner and collaborate more effectively with their local housing authorities and with other providers serving residents of public housing and other low-income housing.
Topics: Health, Partnerships

The Vancouver Housing Authority collaborated with a Federally Qualified Health Center and a homeless crisis response system to develop a network of scattered-site and site-based supportive housing. This moderated discussion will cover how VHA paired Housing Choice Vouchers and public housing with a Medicaid-funded supportive housing benefit to serve people identified by the community’s Coordinated Entry as needing supportive housing. Speakers will also discuss the challenges faced through the process, model adjustments made, and evaluation of the work through matching housing data and...
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Data sharing, Family engagement, Health, Healthy homes, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research, Stability, Sustainability

The Administration for Community Living’s Aging and Disability Network is a multifaceted service infrastructure for older adults and people with disabilities so they can find housing and obtain services like chore assistance, delivered meals, and transportation. By partnering with this community infrastructure, PHAs can improve voucher utilization and leverage and align resources so older adults, people with disabilities, and people experiencing homelessness —all priority populations for federal housing assistance—can obtain supportive services needed to attain housing stability, optimize...
Topics: Advocacy, Community development, Disabilities, Health, Housing, Partnerships, Research, Seniors, Supportive housing, Sustainability

NYC was an epicenter at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the city’s population density continues to be a driver of the deep, ongoing public health crisis. As NYC’s largest residential landlord, The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) unsurprisingly works with a number of health partners to bring information and services to residents, but the Authority hasn’t stopped there. Learn how NYCHA has leveraged partnerships at the intersection of health, housing, and economic opportunity to expand pathways for residents into health training and jobs during the past two years, and what’s on...
Topics: Advocacy, Asset building, CLPHA, Health, Healthy homes, Housing

The Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) will moderate a unique cross-sector panel of housing and early care and education (ECE) experts on strategies and best practices for co-locating ECE facilities within affordable housing developments. Discussion of specific financing techniques and site design considerations from existing co-located facilities will provide attendees lessons on policy and programmatic changes needed to incentivize co-location. Panelists include innovators in affordable housing development, government and public sectors, early care and education operations, and community...
Topics: Advocacy, Broadband, Child welfare, CLPHA, Family engagement, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, School-readiness, Supportive housing, Sustainability

A Playbook for Local Health Department Strategies in the United States
Topics: COVID-19, Health

Scope of Practice article on the American Medical Association's website
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Health