Found 1042 resources.
This session will review the extent to which local jurisdictions engaged with school districts in the 2016-17 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) process and preview the potential for PHAs to engage with school districts and school data in the upcoming renewal of the HUD AFFH process.
Topics: Advocacy, Attendance, CLPHA, Data sharing, Education, Family engagement, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Research, Sustainability

The Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) will moderate a unique cross-sector panel of housing and early care and education (ECE) experts on strategies and best practices for co-locating ECE facilities within affordable housing developments. Discussion of specific financing techniques and site design considerations from existing co-located facilities will provide attendees lessons on policy and programmatic changes needed to incentivize co-location. Panelists include innovators in affordable housing development, government and public sectors, early care and education operations, and community...
Topics: Advocacy, Broadband, Child welfare, CLPHA, Family engagement, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, School-readiness, Supportive housing, Sustainability

Public and affordable housing agencies and organizations have the potential to serve as a crucial foundation for promoting early school success for economically challenged, fragile and otherwise marginalized children and families through a 24/7/365 multigenerational system of support and an ability to meet families 'where they are.' During this engaging session, Housing Is and our long-time partner The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading will elevate the critical importance of these housing-education partnerships, with special attention to the way in which such collaborations begin....
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Early childhood, Education, Healthy homes, Housing, Low-income, Supportive housing, Sustainability

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy related causes than white women. With the majority of PHA residents being Black, Indigenous, or people of color, PHAs understand they play a critical role in addressing racial inequities through increased focus on maternal health. This plenary, announced as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Maternal Health Call to Action, will discuss the role of PHAs in supporting the health and well-being of their residents.
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Legislation & Policy, Pre-natal, Racial inequalities, Sustainability

Building off discussions during previous Summits, this panel will highlight research and promising practices on cash assistance for low-income individuals and families, including income supports stemming from the pandemic.
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Funding, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Research

Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA

At its December 2021 meeting, CLPHA's Housing Is Working Group learned from experts in the field about how they have worked to create resident-focused and community-centered work with their PHAs and partners. We also brainstormed how best to support residents and work towards more equitable and representative housing for everyone, and left with the knowledge of how to better highlight and prioritize resident voices and leadership at every level of our work.
Topics: Family engagement, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Mental health, Racial inequalities, Supportive housing

The Housing Is team will be joined by staff from the Department of Education and Department of Housing and Urban Development to discuss evaluation considerations and best practices when evaluating multi-sector, community-based interventions such as the Promise and Choice Neighborhoods Initiatives. They will examine how they chose outcomes to track and how they set goals for the Promise and Choice Neighborhood Initiatives. They will also reflect on evaluation design considerations for these multifaceted programs.
Topics: Data sharing, Education, Metrics

Educators play an important role in supporting students' mental well-being. The pandemic has added incredible layers of stress for both adults and young people. Although educators can't control all the stressors and sources of trauma affecting them, they can foster healing and wellness in their classroom or program and work to remove the stigma around mental health concerns.
Topics: Advocacy, Depression, Early childhood, Education, Health, Healthy homes, Literacy, Low-income, Mental health, Racial inequalities, Research, School-readiness, Youth

Announced as part of Biden-Harris Administration’s Maternal Health Call to Action, CLPHA held a special Martin Luther King Jr. Day event on the intersection of racial inequities, housing insecurity, and maternal health outcomes. This hour-long webinar includes presentations and discussions on this topic, and how we as a society can move forward to address these inequities.
Topics: Child welfare, Early childhood, Health, Pre-natal, Racial inequalities

State and local policymakers are making consequential decisions about the treatment of race and racism in schools. It is crucial, right now, to slow down, consider the evidence from research and experience, and apply that knowledge to improve teaching about race and racism.
Authored in partnership between the Aspen Institute Education & Society Program and Dr. Francesca López, Professor & Waterbury Chair of Equity Pedagogy at Penn State University, United We Learn looks at empirical research on teaching about race and racism, across more than 40 studies on child development,...
Topics: Education, Racial inequalities, Research

The National CLAS Standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by establishing a blueprint for health and health care organizations
Topics: Communications, Health, Immigrants

A Playbook for Local Health Department Strategies in the United States
Topics: COVID-19, Health

Scope of Practice article on the American Medical Association's website
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Health

Community Health Workers (CHWs) are taking a larger role in patient-centered care and community health. Yet, questions remain around the scope of their work, licensure requirements, and available funding sources to build a capable workforce. In this webinar, we will clarify their work and explore their role in advancing equity. We will hear from Ashley Rodriguez, chair of the American Public Health Association’s Community Health Worker Section. Rodriguez is leading national efforts to promote CHWs’ work and support their professional development. Jenna Grant, a resource development manager...
Topics: Health, Preventative care

The social determinants of health are interactive and multi-faceted, but often the experts who address them are siloed—as are their data. How do we share the data that can tell us the full story about the people who rely on—and receive—support? Chris Tappan and Lori Hunter discuss data systems, collaboration between agencies, and the vital importance of equitable services in this latest episode of The Intersect.
Topics: Data sharing, Health

The just-released America After 3PM special report, “STEM Learning in Afterschool on the Rise, But Barriers and Inequities Exist,” finds that afterschool programs are offering more STEM learning opportunities, but inequities exist and too many young people are missing out.
Topics: Education, Youth

Use this toolkit to assist in pursuing partnerships with school districts to provide afterschool and summer programs to support student recovery. Districts must spend a minimum of 20% of their funds on learning loss, which explicitly calls out summer and afterschool programs as an allowable use.
Topics: Education, Funding, Out-of-school time

A new D.C. Federal Nutrition Programs Toolkit is designed to help community-based organizations, social service and healthcare providers, District agencies, and community members connect low-income households with federal nutrition programs. Beverley Wheeler, director of D.C. Hunger Solutions, told The DC Line, “with this toolkit, our community leaders can play a key role in ensuring children, young adults, adults, and older adults can connect with the right providers to help gain access to the nutrition they need for their health and well-being.”
Topics: East Coast, Food insecurity

This webinar encouraged HUD staff and stakeholders to learn how public health data sharing agreements can better inform on-the-ground vaccine efforts.
Topics: COVID-19, Data sharing, Health

Every child in an early childhood setting should have a teacher with specialized education to promote that child’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development and who prepares them for success in school and in life. The National Research Council’s report from a panel of experts, Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation, lays out several recommendations for programs serving children from birth through age 8, notably that teachers "should have at a minimum a bachelor’s degree and specialization in the knowledge and competencies needed to...
Topics: Early childhood, Education, Post-secondary

The social determinants of health are interactive and multi-faceted, but often the experts who address them are siloed—as are their data. How do we share the data that can tell us the full story about the people who rely on—and receive—support? Chris Tappan and Lori Hunter discuss data systems, collaboration between agencies, and the vital importance of equitable services in this latest episode of The Intersect.
Topics: Child welfare, COVID-19, Data sharing, Health

Topics: Attendance, COVID-19, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Housing, Low-income, Out-of-school time, Youth

As evidence grows that housing mobility programs can vastly improve residents’ life trajectories, today the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Institute for Health and Social Policy based at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a network of experts released a report to help inform and guide supplementary research on the new Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Mobility Demonstration Program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Including input from leaders in the housing, health, education, and economic development fields, the Report of the Housing Mobility...
Topics: Advocacy, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Mobility, Racial inequalities

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many public housing authorities (PHAs) to quickly adjust their operational procedures to protect their staff while providing emergency assistance to residents. Many PHAs had to close their offices and convert to remote operations almost overnight, while staff focused on supporting their tenants by delivering them food, doing wellness checks for vulnerable residents, and ensuring they had access to and in some cases providing the technology needed for children to attend school remotely and isolated residents to remain connected to friends, family,...
Topics: Advocacy, COVID-19, Data sharing, Health, Housing, Safety, Supportive housing