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News Article Apr 16, 2019
Grand Rapids, Michigan, is one of the fastest-growing US cities with economic opportunities for businesses. We jumped to the top of polls for the best cities to start a business in 2015 and have maintained top rankings ever since. We also top national lists for best places to call home and raise a family. This does not tell the whole story, though. Communities of color struggle to thrive here. We rank among the worst large US cities for African Americans economically. Almost 40 percent of African Americans in our city live in poverty. They are three times as likely to be unemployed as whites...

Authored by: Rosalynn Bliss for Health Affairs
Topics: Asset building, Broadband, Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 16, 2019
Video Apr 9, 2019
Examine the forgotten history of how our federal, state and local governments unconstitutionally segregated every major metropolitan area in America through law and policy.

Authored by: Mark Lopez and Richard Rothstein for Silkworm Design
Topics: Education, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 16, 2019
News Article Apr 14, 2019
In 2014 Caselli started Haven Connect, which is now based in Austin, to make it easier for property managers to communicate with affordable housing applicants, including those who are and aren’t homeless, and for applicants to update their information online.

Authored by: Anne Field for Forbes
Topics: Broadband, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, South
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 16, 2019
News Article Apr 7, 2019
Puerto Rico was in financial distress and had crumbling infrastructure before Hurricane Maria, and many residents complain of government malfeasance that exacerbated the storm’s impact, echoing criticism from Washington. But Puerto Rican leaders say the delay to the Vieques hospital and thousands of other stalled projects is a reflection of unequal treatment from the White House and Congress, which last week failed to pass disaster relief legislation because of a dispute over how much money to send the island.

Authored by: Patricia Mazzei for The New York Times
Topics: Community development, Food insecurity, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, U.S. Territories
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 15, 2019
Video Apr 9, 2019
Recording of U.S. House Financial Services Committee (Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions) hearing

Authored by: U.S. House Committee on Financial Services
Topics: Housing, Legislation & Policy, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 15, 2019
Report Jan 31, 2019
The EMPOWERED study, conducted on behalf of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, examines the use of performance measures, work requirements and child support cooperation requirements across human services programs. This issue brief is based on three case studies and provides local perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for aligning performance indicators across a variety of federal programs promoting self-sufficiency.

Authored by: Elizabeth Brown, Kara Conroy, and Gretchen Kirby for Mathematica
Topics: Legislation & Policy, Metrics, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 15, 2019
Publication Apr 12, 2019
In Richmond, Virginia, an interprofessional group of health care students and faculty members is helping seniors solve problems early.

Authored by: T.R. Goldman for Health Affairs
Topics: Dental, Health, Low-income, Mental health, Partnerships, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 12, 2019
To better align families’ child welfare and supportive housing needs, child welfare leaders must clearly present their vision for the role of supportive housing as a part of positive child welfare outcomes. State administrators and leaders must consider critical aspects of housing within the Family First IV-E Prevention Program Five-Year State Plan (State Plan) and introduce necessary state policy, legislative, and budgetary changes to ensure that stable, supportive housing is central to long-term family stability and well-being

Authored by: CSH
Topics: Child welfare, Family engagement, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 12, 2019
Publication Apr 11, 2019
High-need, high-cost (HNHC) individuals are defined as people of all ages living with clinically complex needs and functional limitations who also incur high health care costs or are likely to do so in the near future. Despite frequent contact with the health care system and substantial medical spending, the physical, social, and behavioral health needs of these individuals often remain unmet due to uncoordinated and fragmented care. Studies suggest that HNHC individuals could benefit from a more holistic approach that coordinates the care they receive and addresses their unmet social needs....

Authored by: Janet Niles, Teresa Litton, and Robert Mechanic for Health Affairs
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Disabilities, Health, Research, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 11, 2019
Report Jan 1, 2019
This report focuses on the homelessness and health care use of older homeless adults in New York City, specifically those 55 years of age or older. Recent evidence suggests a unique cohort effect of postWorld War II “baby boomers” born between 1955 and 1965 who have shown a disproportionately high risk of homelessness over the last two decades.

Authored by: Dennis Culhane, Dan Treglia, Randall Kuhn, Kelly Doran, Eileen Johns, and Maryanne Schretzman for Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
Topics: Cost effectiveness, East Coast, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Research, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 11, 2019
Report Jan 1, 2019
This report is intended to accompany a report entitled The Emerging Crisis of Aged Homelessness: Could Proposed Housing Solutions Be Funded from Avoidance of Excess Hospital and Nursing Home Costs?, which reports on findings from a multi-site study involving the analysis of data from Boston, Los Angeles and New York City. That report is motivated by recent evidence documenting a cohort effect in the single adult homeless population, wherein persons born between 1955 and 1964 have faced a disproportionate risk of homelessness over the past two decades.

Authored by: Thomas Byrne, Daniel Miller, and Jae Quinn for Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
Topics: Cost effectiveness, East Coast, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Research, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 11, 2019
Report Dec 7, 2018
This report examines health services use and population dynamics among the aging homeless population in Los Angeles. Evidence suggests that adverse health outcomes lead to homelessness, and the conditions related to homelessness lead to or exacerbate a range of health problems

Authored by: Dennis Culhane, Steve Metraux, and Randall Kuhn for Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
Topics: Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Research, West Coast
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 11, 2019
Could Housing Solutions be Funded by Avoidance of Excess Shelter, Hospital, and Nursing Home Costs?

Authored by: Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Research, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 11, 2019
News Article Apr 5, 2019
An Idaho lawsuit concerning how cities across the West enforce laws about sleeping in public—potentially changing how they treat their homeless populations—is now established as precedent. Barring a decision by the Supreme Court to address the case of Martin v. City of Boise, cities will not be able to arrest or punish people for sleeping on public property unless they provide adequate and relatively accessible indoor accommodations.

Authored by: Patrick Sisson for Curbed
Topics: Criminal justice, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Video Dec 4, 2018
The December 2018 issue of Health Affairs is dedicated to Telehealth, a broad range of technologies used to connect clinicians to each other and to their patients. Distinguished authors examined the broad reach of telehealth and also highlight significant areas of unrealized potential and discussed their findings at a forum at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., on December 4.

Authored by: Health Affairs
Topics: Health, Low-income
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Publication Apr 10, 2019
A key challenge for states in ensuring access to care for the 85.3 million Medicaid beneficiaries is having a sufficient number of providers. The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) recently found that higher Medicaid fees are associated with higher rates of physicians accepting new Medicaid patients. Even so, acceptance of new Medicaid patients differs across specialties.

Authored by: Kayla Holgash and Martha Heberlein for Health Affairs
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Health, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Report Apr 1, 2019
With 22 percent of the undergraduate student population comprised of parents, policymakers and institutions must explore the unique needs of this population and address the challenges that may prevent parents from attaining their degree. This includes determining what systems, services, and approaches best support their mental health needs. This brief examines opportunities for policymakers and academic institutions to adapt existing mental health services in order to meet the unique needs of students who are parents and help them complete their degree.

Authored by: Ascend: The Aspen Institute
Topics: Dual-generation, Early childhood, Mental health, Post-secondary
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Report Apr 1, 2019
Investments in the postsecondary success of parents with young children can increase attainment of credentials leading to good jobs, bring children the benefits of high-quality learning environments, promote later college-going among children, and improve family economic security across generations. This factsheet provides figures on the student parent population based on the latest National Postsecondary Student Aid Study data.

Authored by: Ascend: The Aspen Institute
Topics: Dual-generation, Early childhood, Post-secondary, Research, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Research Jun 18, 2018
The social, economic, and physical environments in which older adults live play a vital role in healthy, active, and engaged lives. But older adults live in unequal environments. Low-income older adults and older racial-ethnic minorities are more likely to live in neighborhoods characterized by poverty, disorder, lack of social cohesion, and pollution. At all income levels there is a greater proportion of older racial-ethnic minorities in neighborhoods with economic, social, and physical problems. Neighborhood inequality may contribute to disparities in the aging experience.

Authored by: Jennifer Ailshire and Catherine Garcia for Generations (also featured by How Housing Matters at The Urban Institute)
Topics: Housing, Low-income, Racial inequalities, Seniors
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Publication Apr 10, 2019
Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are nonprofit, community-based organizations that steward land for specific community purposes. They are used to expand and preserve low- and moderate-cost housing, sustain commercial and civic assets, and foster neighborhood engagement through stewardship of the land. Although typically used as an approach for shared equity homeownership, CLTs can also stabilize housing access, increase affordability, revitalize properties in disinvested communities, and enable renters to participate in community governance processes.

Authored by: Kimberly Burrowes for How Housing Matters (Urban Institute)
Topics: Community development, Housing, Low-income
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 11, 2019
Webinar Apr 10, 2019
Advocacy is everyone's job and it is essential to the children and communities we serve. CLPHA’s Education Working Group hosted a webinar to learn about advocacy efforts to build support and investment in housing. Representatives from Partnership for Children and Youth (PCY) – a California-based advocacy organization that promotes and supports learning opportunities for underserved students – discussed strategies for providing, sustaining, and increasing access to Out-of-School-Time services in housing. PCY also touched on a range of advocacy strategies and preliminary results from the...

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: CLPHA, Education, Housing, Housing Is Working Group, Legislation & Policy, Out-of-school time, Partnerships, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 10, 2019
News Article Apr 10, 2019
Senate Democrats, led by Sherrod Brown (OH), Michael Bennet (CO), Dick Durbin (IL), and Ron Wyden (OR), has introduced a new bill that would establish a child allowance for the first time in American history and substantially increase the size of the Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income people.

Authored by: Dylan Matthews for Vox
Topics: Early childhood, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 10, 2019
Houston children continue to be poisoned by lead even though childhood lead poisoning is considered the most preventable environmental disease among young children. In the past three years, almost 1,200 Houston children between 0 and 72 months old were found to have lead in their blood above the reference value of concern set by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Houston Health Department (HHD) has hosted the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program (LBPHCP) for over 25 years, with the goal of providing a lead-safe home environment through home investigations and home lead...

Authored by: Komal Sheth for All In: Data for Community Health
Topics: Early childhood, Health, Housing, Lead, Partnerships, Safety
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 8, 2019
This podcast episode features the work of the Hunterdon County Partnership for Health, a multi-sector coalition that includes over 60 community agencies that share a common interest in improving health in Hunterdon County, NJ. Kim Blanda is a Project Director at Hunterdon Healthcare, Dr. Rose Puelle is a Senior Director of Population Health at Hunterdon Healthcare, and Karen DeMarco is the Director of the Hunterdon County Department of Health. Together, they are working on a project funded by New Jersey Health Initiatives (NJHI) focused on healthier weight as a mechanism for improving...

Authored by: All In: Data for Community Health
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Nutrition, Obesity, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 8, 2019
Case study
The PHNCI Innovation Learning Community grantees spent eighteen months hard at work implementing innovations in their communities. From this community, we have been able to learn what makes an innovation work and be replicable, including leadership buy-in, cross-sector partnerships, and community engagement. In addition to learning about innovation broadly from these grantees, we also want to highlight each grantee’s individual work, including success, challenges, and lessons learned for others who may be interested in replicating their work. The case studies below, produced by NORC at the...

Authored by: The Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI)
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 8, 2019