A Health Picture of HUD-Assisted Adults, 2006–2012

Jun 22, 2017
Unprecedented descriptive analysis linking HUD administrative data and results from the National Health Interview Survey (pre-Affordable Care Act)

From the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:

"The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the National Center for Health Statistics agreed in 2011 to link administrative records for individuals receiving housing assistance from HUD with records from the National Health Interview Survey. This report uses the linked data for 2006 through 2012 to present a broad statistical summary of demographic characteristics, health diagnoses and conditions, and health care access and utilization for HUD-assisted adults. Similar estimates are provided for two other relevant subgroups to support contextual understanding: unassisted adult renters with incomes below the federal poverty line and all adults in the U.S. population. All estimates use linkage-eligible survey respondents weighted to national totals. The data do not include statistical adjustments for age that would be needed for valid cross-group comparison of health conditions for similar individuals. Relative to unassisted low-income renters, HUD-assisted adults are shown to be an older population with more disabilities and more prevalent health problems by numerous measures."

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