Healthy homes

Meeting Young Parents Where They Dream: A Collaborative Framework for a 2Gen Approach in New Mexico

Jan 18, 2024
Marjorie Sims, Sarah Haight
Marjorie Sims, Sarah Haight January 2024 Focused on the 23,306 young parents (ages 18 to 24) and their families in New Mexico, this report provides a framework for organizations in New Mexico to collaborate more effectively and offers a plan of action to assess these efforts and strengthen impact

Housing Is Working Group: Insights from the Mobility Asthma Project

Sep 12, 2023
Housing Is Working Group, Johns Hopkins University researchers
This webinar will describe new research that shows children whose families participated in a program that helped them move from distressed neighborhoods to areas with lower rates of poverty experienced significant improvements in severe asthma episodes.

Try, Reflect, Try Again: How Fatherhood Programs Used Learning Cycles in Efforts to Improve Participation Outcomes

Policy Brief
Mar 1, 2023
Keri West, Diego Quezada, Jonny Poilpré, and Rebecca Behrmann for Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
Social service programs are often looking for ways to assess and improve program design and implementation, and are increasingly using rapid learning methods to do so.