
Homelessness Contributes To Pregnancy Complications

Jan 1, 2019
Robin Clark, Linda Weinreb, Julie Flahive, and Robert Seifert for Health Affairs
Homelessness during pregnancy poses significant health risks for mothers and infants. As health care providers increase their emphasis on social determinants of health, it is important to understand how unstable housing contributes to complications during pregnancy.
New Community | Jan 30, 2019

Behavioral Health

Behavioral health problems can negatively affect an individual's ability to remain stably housed. With certain supports, however, those struggling with addiction and/or mental health issues can live better lives. 

New Community | Jan 30, 2019


After serving our country, all veterans deserve a place to call home with the supports they need to succeed.  With the VASH program and supportive housing options, we can help transition more veterans out of homelessness and poverty. 

The Effect of Medicaid on Management of Depression: Evidence From the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment

Mar 1, 2018
Katherine Baicker, Heidi Allen, Bill Wright, Sarah Taubman, and Amy Finkelstein for Milbank Memorial Fund
Medicaid coverage reduced the prevalence of undiagnosed depression by almost 50% and untreated depression by more than 60%. It increased use of medications and reduced the share of respondents reporting unmet mental health care needs by almost 40%.

Lack of Housing and Mental Health Disabilities Exacerbate One Another

Nov 20, 2018
Heidi Schultheis for Center for American Progress
People with mental health disabilities are vastly overrepresented in the population of people who experience homelessness. Of the more than 550,000 people in America who experienced homelessness on a given night in 2017, 1 in 5 had a mental illness.

Early Detection and Intervention Could Improve Health Outcomes for Homeless Families

Oct 3, 2018
Urban Institute
Using administrative data from Massachusetts, this study analyzes the health care use and Medicaid expenditures of families who experienced one or more homeless episodes between 2008 and 2015 to investigate how health care use is related to emergency housing experiences.