Lara Pukatch
Bio Lara Pukatch joined Miriam’s Kitchen in June 2014. As the Director of Advocacy, she leads the organization's advocacy work to end chronic homelessness in DC through budget advocacy, systems improvements, and engaging people with lived experience in change . She has over 10 years of experience as a nonprofit advocacy professional with expertise in empowering vulnerable populations, leading coalitions, and facilitating large-scale institutional change. At Miriam's Kitchen, Lara wears many hats. She plays a pivotal role in supporting The Way Home Campaign and leads city-wide efforts to leverage Medicaid to pay for supportive housing services. Lara also oversees the Miriam's Kitchen Speaker's Bureau and Agent of Change initiative and plays a leadership role in the organization's Racial Equity Working Group. Before joining Miriam's Kitchen, Lara held a variety of positions in international women's rights organizations. She holds a master's degree in International Affairs and Development from George Washington University and a certificate in International Human Rights Law from Oxford University and the George Washington Law School. Lara also holds B.A.s in Sociology and Spanish from Vanderbilt University, where she graduated with honors.
Location Washington, DC
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