Medicaid / Medicare

HUD Housing Assistance Associated With Lower Uninsurance Rates And Unmet Medical Need

Abstract: "To investigate whether receiving US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) housing assistance is associated with improved access to health care, we analyzed data on nondisabled adults ages 18–64 who responded to the 2004–12 National Health Interview Survey that were linked with administrative data from HUD for the period 2002–14.

Jun 22, 2017
Alan E. Simon, Andrew Fenelon, Veronica Helms, Patricia C. Lloyd and Lauren M. Rossen, Health Affairs, 36, NO. 6 (June 2017): 1016–1023

CBPP: Medicaid Helps Schools Help Children

Medicaid provides affordable and comprehensive health coverage to over 30 million children. It also plays a little known but important role in supporting schools and making sure students, especially those with disabilities, get the care and services they need to succeed.

Policy Brief
Apr 19, 2017
For eligible children, Medicaid pays for the medical services schools provide to students with disabilities so they can get an education.
New Community | Apr 19, 2017


A community dedicated to connecting state Medicaid agencies, managed care organizations (MCOs), and community-based Medicaid agencies with housing partners and residents to improve life outcomes.