Medicaid / Medicare
Coordinating Human Services Programs with Health Reform Implementation
Policy Brief
Jul 13, 2018
A Toolkit for State Agencies
Finding the Right Fit: Imaging Health & Housing Partnerships that Work
Finding the Right Fit: Imaging Health & Housing Partnerships that Work
Jul 13, 2018
Evaluation of the Community-based Care Transitions Program
Evaluation of the Community-based Care Transitions Program
Jul 12, 2018
The structure of the evaluation is designed around several research domains that, together, provide a comprehensive assessment of the Community-based Care Transitions Program. The research concentrates on the following areas:
• Program Implementation/Operational Issues.
Braiding & Blending Funding Streams to Meet the Health-Related Social Needs of Low-Income Persons: Considerations for State Health Policymakers
Braiding & Blending Funding Streams to Meet the Health-Related Social Needs of Low-Income Persons: Considerations for State Health Policymakers
Jul 12, 2018
This brief aims to bring attention to non-Medicaid funding sources that states could potentially blend or braid to address social determinants of health and other needs that are not typically covered by Medicaid.
Healthy Aging Begins at Home
Healthy Aging Begins at Home
Jul 12, 2018
This report examines four specific aspects of the challenge before us:
• The need for a much greater supply of homes affordable to our nation’s lowest-income seniors.
• The importance of transforming homes and communities so that seniors can age with options, a desire shared by the overwhelming ma