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Found 14 resources.
Publication Apr 11, 2019
High-need, high-cost (HNHC) individuals are defined as people of all ages living with clinically complex needs and functional limitations who also incur high health care costs or are likely to do so in the near future. Despite frequent contact with the health care system and substantial medical spending, the physical, social, and behavioral health needs of these individuals often remain unmet due to uncoordinated and fragmented care. Studies suggest that HNHC individuals could benefit from a more holistic approach that coordinates the care they receive and addresses their unmet social needs....

Authored by: Janet Niles, Teresa Litton, and Robert Mechanic for Health Affairs
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Disabilities, Health, Research, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Apr 11, 2019
Research Mar 8, 2019
The number of kids enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) — two government health plans for the poor — fell by nearly 600,000 in the first 11 months of 2018, a precipitous drop that has puzzled and alarmed many health policy analysts, while several states say it reflects the good news of an improving economy.

Authored by: Michael Ollove for The Pew Charitable Trusts
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Child welfare, Early childhood, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Research, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 8, 2019
Research Nov 22, 2018
Improved access to health insurance contributed to reducing worry and stress associated with paying rent/mortgage or purchasing meals among low-income people. Expanding health insurance access may have contributed to increasing the disposable income of low income groups.

Authored by: Shiho Kino, Koryu Sato, and Iciro Kawachi for International Journal for Equity in Health
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Health, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Research, Stability
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 7, 2019
Publication Dec 17, 2018
In response to the heightened interest in the relationship between work and the health of individuals and communities, CMCS has clarified that Medicaid funds cannot be used to pay beneficiaries’ wages, but can pay for employment counseling as an optional benefit—to help people get jobs. Years of experience with work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and populations with disabilities have developed the evidence for what is needed to help different populations find and keep jobs.

Authored by: Christopher F. Koller for Millbank Memorial Fund
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Disabilities, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Research, Stability, Workforce development
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Dec 17, 2018
Publication Dec 14, 2018
Health and reentry are closely related, and chronic medical, mental health, and substance use problems make it harder for newly released people to seek employment, obtain housing, and avoid reincarceration. Compared with the general population, justice-involved people tend to be in poorer health and need access to physical and behavioral health services, as well as the know-how and motivation to get care.

Authored by: Rochisa Shukla and Kamala Mallik-Kane for Urban Institute
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Criminal justice, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Research, Stability
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Dec 14, 2018
Case study Dec 11, 2018
As the Trump Administration continues to encourage states to take Medicaid coverage away from people who don’t meet a work requirement, a new report describes Montana’s promising alternative: a workforce promotion program that targets state resources toward reducing barriers to work.

Authored by: Hannah Katch for Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Asset building, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Research, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is on Dec 11, 2018
Publication Nov 30, 2018
The uninsured rate among children rose in 2017 from 4.7 percent to 5 percent, a new report from Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families finds — the first increase since Georgetown began producing this annual report a decade ago.

Authored by: Jesse Cross-Call for Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Child welfare, Health, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Research
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Nov 30, 2018
Case study Aug 9, 2018
Health care payment and delivery models that challenge providers to be accountable for outcomes have fueled interest in community-level partnerships that address the behavioral, social, and economic determinants of health.We describe how Hennepin Health—a county-based safety-net accountable care organization in Minnesota—has forged such a partnership to redesign the health care workforce and improve the coordination of the physical, behavioral, social, and economic dimensions of care for an expanded community of Medicaid beneficiaries.

Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Health, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Metrics, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Aug 9, 2018
Report Jul 23, 2018
The aim of the study was to understand how policy capacity was defined and managed by state health leaders in different political environments during the implementation of the ACA. Working with a sample of states—large and small, red and blue, actively reformist or more circumspect, etc.—the research team interviewed 18 state executive agency officials and six legislators from 10 states about their experiences developing and sustaining the capacity needed for major transformations in health care

Topics: Affordable Care Act, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 23, 2018
Research Jul 19, 2018
The link between federal housing policy and public health has been understood since the nineteenth century, when housing activists first sought to abolish slums and create healthful environments. This article describes how the Obama administration—building on these efforts and those that followed, including the Great Society programs of President Lyndon Johnson—has adopted a cross-sector approach that takes health considerations into account when formulating housing and community development policy. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development fully embraces this “health in all...

Topics: Affordable Care Act, Community development, Disabilities, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Mobility, Partnerships, Place-based, RAD, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 19, 2018
Research Jul 12, 2018
To construct our taxonomy, we use data from the first National Survey of ACOs, fielded between October of 2012 and May of 2013. The survey sample included (1) ACOs participating in Medicare ACO programs; (2) ACOs participating in state Medicaid ACO programs; and (3) ACOs formed in partnership with commercial payers.

Topics: Affordable Care Act, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 12, 2018
Research Jul 11, 2018
A Research Review and Comment on Future Directions for Integrating Housing and Health Services

Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Data sharing, Exercise, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Metrics, Nutrition, Obesity, Partnerships, Preventative care, Research, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 11, 2018
Webinar Feb 21, 2018
Presentation from CLPHA's February 2018 Health Strategic Planning Workshop, co-facilitated with Health Impact Project and Grantmakers in Health

Authored by: CLPHA, Health Impact Project (Pew/RWJF), and Grantmakers in Health
Topics: Affordable Care Act, CLPHA, Community development, Data sharing, Health, Healthy homes, Homelessness, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Obesity, Partnerships, Place-based, Research, Supportive housing, TA
Shared by Steve Lucas on Feb 27, 2018
Research Jun 22, 2017
Unprecedented descriptive analysis linking HUD administrative data and results from the National Health Interview Survey (pre-Affordable Care Act)

Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Dental, Depression, Exercise, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Seniors, Smoke-free, Substance abuse
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jun 22, 2017