Health Impact Assessment: South Lincoln Homes, Denver CO

Case study
Jul 17, 2018
The South Lincoln Health Impact Assessment (HIA) focuses on the redevelopment master plan for the Denver Housing Authority’s South Lincoln Homes community in downtown Denver. The rapid HIA and masterplan was a four-month process that began in April 2009. The HIA identifies potential health impacts and recommends changes to optimize positive and minimize negative health consequences for the South Lincoln neighborhood. This assessment includes community demographic and socioeconomic information, identified potential health issues, interviews available surveys, and limited body measurement data along with supportive evidence-based research and recommendations that informed the HIA and masterplan design.
Denver - Health - Impact Assessment - SouthLincolnHomesHealthImpactAssessmentReport2009
Denver - Health - Impact Assessment - SouthLincolnHomesHealthImpactAssessmentReport2009
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