
Risk and Resilience: Differences in Risk Factors and Health Outcomes Between Homeless and Non-Homeless Students in 2017 YRBS Data

Katie Brown and Barbara Duffield for SchoolHouse Connection, Caitlyn R. Owens for North Carolina State University
Public schools identified more than 1.3 million children and youth experiencing homelessness and enrolled in school at some point in the 2016-2017 school year.1 These numbers do not reflect the total number of children and youth who experience homelessness in the United States.

Could "public charge" reduce public preschool participation among immigrant families?

Policy Brief
Nov 5, 2018
Erica Greenberg and Archana Pyati for The Urban Institute
The potential impacts of expanding the regulation known as “public charge” have yet to be fully understood, but experts anticipate that young children in immigrant families—more than 90 percent of them US citizens—could be disproportionately affected.

Spotlight on Underserved Markets: Affordable Housing in High Opportunity Areas

Policy Brief
Nov 2, 2018
Freddie Mac Multifamily: Duty to Serve
More than 56 million people live in communities that are classified as high opportunity areas. These neighborhoods often provide access to certain amenities or community attributes that are believed to increase economic mobility for their residents.

New Research Reinforces Connections Among Homelessness, Childhood, and Education

Aug 28, 2018
SchoolHouse Connection
Current efforts to end homelessness are largely focused on the immediate housing needs of adults. Yet recent research further demonstrates the importance of addressing childhood, early care, and education in efforts to prevent and end homelessness. This blog post summarizes five new studies.