The Los Angeles Police Department’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP) was a violence-reduction and community-building strategy implemented in four HACLA public housing developments beginning in 2011.
Unfortunately, there are more youth experiencing homelessness than there are resources available. Up to 40% of youth experiencing homelessness identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+).
ASTHO comes to our health agencies and partners saddened by our country's recent mass shooting. We mourn the losses of life from firearm violence as our families, schools, and communities continue to be impacted. ASTHO supports you now more than ever.
Click here to view the Recording of the March 9, 2023 Tenant-Based Committee Meeting. To view the meeting notes and additional resources, go to the Sharepoint site.
This Sharepoint site webpage contains the notes, recording, and resources from the March 9, 2023 meeting of the CLPHA Tenant-Based Housing Assistance Committee.
One Summer Chicago Plus is a jobs program designed to reduce violence and prepare youth living in some of the city’s highest-violence neighborhoods for the labor market. This study was carried out over the summer of 2013 in partnership with the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services.
While three-quarters of Americans agree that housing is a human right, and an increasing number of elected offi cials are addressing it as such, our country has not put in place the policies to ensure that right, and as a consequence, millions of Americans experience homelessness in a national crisi
Policymakers, academics and criminal-justice reformers all agree that access to education is both a front-end and back-end tool that decreases crime, increases social and economic mobility and supports informed, engaged citizenship.