Substance abuse

The Path to Coordinated Federal Leadership to Strengthen Primary Health Care

Nov 4, 2022
Robert L. Phillips Jr, Christopher F. Koller, and Alice Hm Chen for The Milbank Memorial Fund
The 2021 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report, Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care defined a need for coordinated primary care leadership at the federal level.

White House FACT SHEET: President Biden to Announce Strategy to Address Our National Mental Health Crisis, As Part of Unity Agenda in his First State of the Union

Policy Brief
Mar 1, 2022
The White House, Biden-Harris Administration
As part of Biden's first State of the Union address, President Biden announced a whole of government strategy to address our national mental health crisis. This FACT SHEET outlines the strategy.

White House FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Highlights Strategy to Address the National Mental Health Crisis

Policy Brief
May 31, 2022
The White House, Biden-Harris Administration
This FACT SHEET announces additional, new actions the Biden-Harris Administration is taking to advance the President’s mental health strategy across its three objectives: strengthening system capacity, connecting more Americans to care, and creating a continuum of support.

From homelessness to jail and back: King County Tries to halt cycle

News Article
Apr 21, 2019
Vianna Davila for The Seattle Times
The county’s preliminary results look promising: more than 78% of Vital clients were booked into jail less often once enrolled in the program for at least six months. On average, Vital participants went to jail about a third less often per year compared to the three years before their enrollment.

Homelessness Contributes To Pregnancy Complications

Jan 1, 2019
Robin Clark, Linda Weinreb, Julie Flahive, and Robert Seifert for Health Affairs
Homelessness during pregnancy poses significant health risks for mothers and infants. As health care providers increase their emphasis on social determinants of health, it is important to understand how unstable housing contributes to complications during pregnancy.