Found 12 resources.
Looking largely at the 2020-2021 school year, the report is chock-full of information about how schools apply research-based strategies in a variety of different contexts – from very different school systems across multiple states – to make research translate into positive experiences and outcomes for students and their teachers in three critical areas:
• Instructional work, where math or English-language-arts teams, including instructional coaches, special-education teachers, and English learner/multilingual teachers, work to improve the quality of instruction within classrooms.
• Early...
Topics: Advocacy, Attendance, Child welfare, CLPHA, Community development, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Housing, Literacy, Low-income, Partnerships, Place-based, Supportive housing, Sustainability, Youth

After over a year of remote learning, everything is out-of-school time at this point. With unknowns about vaccinations for children, communities should prepare for uneven plans across communities for summer and fall 2021. This discussion session focuses on capacity: how to support virtual and hybrid learning, how to counter learning loss, supporting parent engagement, supporting staff to support parents, providing adult socio-emotional learning, and providing connection to services. Panelists will share examples from on the ground, toolkits, and other resources, while also allowing time for...
Topics: Attendance, Child welfare, Community development, Early childhood, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Out-of-school time, School-readiness, Youth

Colleges support students with advising, counseling, or coaching in academics and other skills they need to succeed in school. Some colleges enhance those services through reduced adviser caseloads and more comprehensive, frequent guidance, which can improve students’ semester-to-semester retention and average credits earned. This overview describes important lessons on designing and implementing those services. College leaders and administrators committed to designing, building, managing, and continually supporting enhanced advising services can consult this checklist of recommendations as...
Topics: Attendance, Child welfare, Community development, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Post-secondary, Workforce development

Chicago’s troubling homicide rate could be significantly reduced through a massive increase in state spending for Chicago schools. That's just one of the proposals floated Monday by a prominent University of Chicago economist Jens Ludwig. With a substantial commitment, he says homicides could be reduced by nearly 60 percent. Illinois is dead last when it comes to the percentage of education dollars provided by the state to its cities. Ludwig believes adding $1.7 billion dollars would not only bring Illinois up to the national average, but could substantially reduce gun violence as well....
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Education, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Preventative care, Youth

One Summer Chicago Plus is a jobs program designed to reduce violence and prepare youth living in some of the city’s highest-violence neighborhoods for the labor market. This study was carried out over the summer of 2013 in partnership with the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services. It found that the program, which provided a six-week, minimum-wage job for 25 hours a week, reduced the number of violent-crime arrests for participants by 33 percent over the subsequent year. The One Summer Chicago Plus 2013 study—accompanied by a long-term follow-up of the 2012 program—closely...
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Criminal justice, Out-of-school time, Partnerships, Preventative care, Safety, Youth

CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is engaged in a number of cross-sector activities focused on developing partnerships, facilitating a community of practice, resource development, promoting best practices, online collaboration, policy and advocacy, and training and education. Read about recent activities in this Fall Update.
Topics: Child welfare, CLPHA, Community development, Cost effectiveness, Data sharing, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Partnerships, Place-based, Post-secondary, Research, Stability, Substance abuse, Workforce development, Youth
The South Lincoln Health Impact Assessment (HIA) focuses on the redevelopment master plan for the Denver Housing Authority’s South Lincoln Homes community in downtown Denver. The rapid HIA and masterplan was a four-month process that began in April 2009. The HIA identifies potential health impacts and recommends changes to optimize positive and minimize negative health consequences for the South Lincoln neighborhood. This assessment includes community demographic and socioeconomic information, identified potential health issues, interviews available surveys, and limited body measurement data...
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Disabilities, Dual-generation, Health, Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Metrics, Nutrition, Preventative care, Research, Safety

This guide is intended to provide information to public health department staff and advocates about the many public agencies that make policy decisions and implement projects related to the physical environment.
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Education, Exercise, Green, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Place-based, Safety, Smoke-free, Stability, Substance abuse, West Coast

The Trauma Informed Community Building (TICB) model is based on BRIDGE Housing Corporation’s experience doing community building work over the past five years in the Potrero Terrace and Annex public housing sites in San Francisco, CA.
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Dual-generation, Family engagement, Low-income, Mental health, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Research, Safety

Reducing Pediatric Asthma through Home Improvements and Education
Topics: Asthma, Child welfare, Community development, Cost effectiveness, Data sharing, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Research, Safety

Chicago’s troubling homicide rate could be significantly reduced through a massive increase in state spending for Chicago schools.
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Cost effectiveness, Education, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Midwest, Research, Safety, Youth


Why do some neighborhoods appear able to launch effective local improvement initiatives, while others are more hampered by fragmentation and mistrust? Why can some communities mobilize diverse constituencies to influence public policy, while others cannot? Answers to these questions may be found in the specific patterns of collaboration that form among community organizations, and between these groups, schools, public agencies, and elected officials, according to MDRC, a preeminent social-policy research organization.
Topics: Asset building, Child welfare, Community development, Data sharing, Dual-generation, Education, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Metrics, Midwest, Mobility, Out-of-school time, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Research, Safety, Stability, Workforce development, Youth