Jun 12, 2020
June 4-5, Hosted Virtually via Zoom | Opening remarks by CLPHA President Stephen Norman and CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman followed by a roundtable discussion featuring voices from the housing, health, and education sectors. We kicked off the Summit with a Plenary Roundtable (starting at 20:53): Cross-Sector Crisis Response -- What We Are Learning About Cross-Sector Collaboration from COVID-19. About the panel: Partnerships have always been critical to improving life outcomes for low-income individuals and families. The global coronavirus pandemic has highlighted how crucial these partnerships are and how fractured our safety net systems remain. The health, economic, and educational consequences of COVID-19 have further imperiled already vulnerable people who face new and worsening challenges. Collaboration at the intersection of housing, education, and public health has been key to effective community responses to the pandemic. This roundtable will discuss how COVID-19 has compelled organizations to work differently to serve those in need and what lasting changes we can anticipate across sectors in the coming months and years. Panelists will specifically address the issues of out-of-school time, public health, connectivity, and social isolation for low-income residents.