Policy Brief

Uplifting the Power of Culture: Protective Factors for the Health of California’s Children

Policy Brief
Jan 15, 2025
Children’s Partnership
The Children’s Partnership’s newly released policy brief, “Uplifting the Power of Culture: Protective Factors for the Health of California’s Children,” emphasizes how culturally grounded protective factors in early childhood can create equitable pathways to health and success for BIPOC children.

Try, Reflect, Try Again: How Fatherhood Programs Used Learning Cycles in Efforts to Improve Participation Outcomes

Policy Brief
Mar 1, 2023
Keri West, Diego Quezada, Jonny Poilpré, and Rebecca Behrmann for Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
Social service programs are often looking for ways to assess and improve program design and implementation, and are increasingly using rapid learning methods to do so.

A Summary of Findings from the Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs Study

Policy Brief
Mar 1, 2023
Charles Michalopoulos and Rebecca Behrmann for Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs
This document summarizes what was learned in SIRF (Strengthening the Implementation of Responsible Fatherhood Programs), which engaged 10 programs in using learning cycles—repeated periods of implementing ideas and reflecting on the results—to build evidence on practices to improve the enrollment, e

A Call for Reinforcements in Diabetes Care: Maximizing the Role of Non-Clinical Staff and Partners

Policy Brief
Nov 29, 2022
Successful diabetes care for vulnerable populations demands a multi-prong approach, deploying direct health interventions, medications, and support from a range of community resources to address the social determinants, which impact diabetes.

Building Supply, Enhancing Quality, and Advancing Equity: The Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Series

Policy Brief
Nov 3, 2022
Mario Cardona, Shantel Meek, Linda Smith, Yvette Fuentes, and Eric Bucher for Arizona State University Center for Child and Family Success
The series highlights the promising work of the EHS-CCPs to date, particularly related to pandemic recovery and stabilization, workforce support, and expanding access to holistic support for children and families, especially mental health support.