Oct 3, 2019
A majority of property managers report that a smoke-free policy is largely well followed and self enforced by residents and staff. However, it is not uncommon for a small minority of residents to struggle or refuse to comply by continuing to smoke or allowing their guests to smoke on the property. These resources and tools can assist management in promoting compliance and enforcing the policy when necessary. If you would like to consult on solutions specific to your situation, reach out to info@smokefreepublichousingproject.org.
Authored by: Clean Air for All
Topics: Health, Healthy homes, Smoke-free
Shared by Jackie Siewert
Jackie Siewert posted a
on Oct 3, 2019
A majority of property managers report that a smoke-free policy is largely well followed and self enforced by residents and staff. However, it is not uncommon for a small minority of residents to struggle or refuse to comply by continuing to smoke or allowing their guests to smoke on the property.
Jul 17, 2018
Featuring Ellen Childs, PhD, from Boston University School of Public Health and Vaughan Rees, PhD, from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Featuring Ellen Childs, PhD, from Boston University School of Public Health and Vaughan Rees, PhD, from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Build success with effective enforcement. Someone who smokes where smoking is prohibited is violating the policy. Enforcement of the smoke-free policy is similar to enforcement of other building policies, like noise or pet restrictions. Be consistent, fair, positive, and pragmatic.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Build success with effective enforcement. Someone who smokes where smoking is prohibited is violating the policy. Enforcement of the smoke-free policy is similar to enforcement of other building policies, like noise or pet restrictions. Be consistent, fair, positive, and pragmatic.
Build success by helping smokers comply with the policy. Some residents who smoke may not be ready or able to stop smoking, but you can work with them to help them comply with the policy. Showing compassion to residents facing barriers to compliance may increase acceptance of the policy and willingness to comply.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Build success by helping smokers comply with the policy. Some residents who smoke may not be ready or able to stop smoking, but you can work with them to help them comply with the policy.
Build success by supporting cessation among smokers for whom a smoke-free housing policy may provide motivation to quit.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Build success by supporting cessation among smokers for whom a smoke-free housing policy may provide motivation to quit.
Build success by partnering with local agencies and organizations. Community partners can advise during planning, education residents during implementation, and help support cessation.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Build success by partnering with local agencies and organizations. Community partners can advise during planning, education residents during implementation, and help support cessation.
Build success by training staff on how to effectively share information about the policy and the importance of consistent enforcement.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Build success by training staff on how to effectively share information about the policy and the importance of consistent enforcement.
Build Success by engaging residents. Residents can be a strong asset in planning, communication, implementation, and compliance efforts.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Place-based, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Build Success by engaging residents. Residents can be a strong asset in planning, communication, implementation, and compliance efforts.
Developing effective smoke-free policies requires clear language about why the policy is being adopted, where smoking is and isn't allowed, who is responsible for reporting and investigating violations, and how the policy will be enforced.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Housing, Legislation & Policy, Place-based, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
Developing effective smoke-free policies requires clear language about why the policy is being adopted, where smoking is and isn't allowed, who is responsible for reporting and investigating violations, and how the policy will be enforced.
Policy Brief
More than one-third of adult public housing residents in the US smoke—totaling approximately 400,000 smokers, putting other residents and staff at risk of negative health effects.
Authored by: Building Success
Topics: Asthma, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Place-based, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Feb 4, 2019
More than one-third of adult public housing residents in the US smoke—totaling approximately 400,000 smokers, putting other residents and staff at risk of negative health effects.
May 1, 2018
Housing and health systems need to work together. Public housing authorities (PHAs) are significant providers of housing to those in need, offering the health sector scale and expertise. Little was known about how PHAs worked with the health sector writ large. With a national survey, we found that PHAs across the country are engaged in a wide range of partnerships with different health organizations that address various target populations and health priorities. Barriers to housing-health collaboration, such as funding and staffing capacity, can be overcome with cross-system partnerships that seek to address these needs.
Authored by: CLPHA and PAHRC
Topics: Child welfare, Funding, Health, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships, Preventative care, Research, Seniors, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Dec 19, 2018
Housing and health systems need to work together. Public housing authorities (PHAs) are significant providers of housing to those in need, offering the health sector scale and expertise. Little was known about how PHAs worked with the health sector writ large.
Jul 23, 2018
In this article, we explore current law concerning residential smoking regulations and consider whether the implementation of a nationwide ban on smoking in public housing would be desirable.
Authored by:
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
In this article, we explore current law concerning residential smoking regulations and consider whether the implementation of a nationwide ban on smoking in public housing would be desirable.
Jul 13, 2018
This fact sheet describes how a landlord may legally prohibit smoking in common spaces and individual units, and explains how to implement a smokefree policy in compliance with the rent control law, where applicable. It also includes options for addressing possible enforcement and compliance issues that may arise once a policy is in place.
Authored by:
Topics: Family engagement, Health, Housing, Low-income, Smoke-free, West Coast
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 13, 2018
This fact sheet describes how a landlord may legally prohibit smoking in common spaces and individual units, and explains how to implement a smokefree policy in compliance with the rent control law, where applicable.
Policy Brief
Jul 13, 2018
This report is intended to help public health advocates and policymakers formulate input into the QAP process, with the objective of developing healthier homes. We describe the rationale for including a wide range of public health-related criteria in QAPs, identify and describe QAP criteria that can have a positive impact on public health, and suggest how public health advocates can get involved in revising their state QAPs.
Authored by:
Topics: Exercise, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Place-based, Safety, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 13, 2018
This report is intended to help public health advocates and policymakers formulate input into the QAP process, with the objective of developing healthier homes.
Jul 13, 2018
This guide is intended to provide information to public health department staff and advocates about the many public agencies that make policy decisions and implement projects related to the physical environment.
Authored by:
Topics: Child welfare, Community development, Education, Exercise, Green, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Place-based, Safety, Smoke-free, Stability, Substance abuse, West Coast
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 13, 2018
This guide is intended to provide information to public health department staff and advocates about the many public agencies that make policy decisions and implement projects related to the physical environment.
Case study
Jul 12, 2018
In Boston, Massachusetts, the Boston Housing Authority, Boston Public Health Commission, the city’s Inspectional Services Department, the Boston Foundation, and local universities and medical institutions have come together over the last decade-plus to address the intersection of health and housing. Motivated by a desire to improve the lives of Boston’s most vulnerable residents, these organizations began collaborating to address asthma and, more recently, to prioritize housing and health needs for pregnant women. By bridging anchor institutions, foundations, and city agencies around health and housing initiatives citywide, Boston has made strides toward providing healthier housing options and integrated health management and referral systems. This case study highlights how a variety of key stakeholders within one city can collaborate to address the health and housing needs of its vulnerable residents.
Authored by:
Topics: Asthma, Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, East Coast, Exercise, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Home visiting, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Nutrition, Obesity, Partnerships, Pre-natal, Preventative care, Research, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 12, 2018
In Boston, Massachusetts, the Boston Housing Authority, Boston Public Health Commission, the city’s Inspectional Services Department, the Boston Foundation, and local universities and medical institutions have come together over the last decade-plus to address the intersection of health and housing.
Jun 22, 2017
Unprecedented descriptive analysis linking HUD administrative data and results from the National Health Interview Survey (pre-Affordable Care Act)
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Dental, Depression, Exercise, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Seniors, Smoke-free, Substance abuse
Shared by Steve Lucas
Steve Lucas posted a
on Jun 22, 2017
From the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:
Unprecedented descriptive analysis linking HUD administrative data and results from the National Health Interview Survey (pre-Affordable Care Act)