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Housing Is Working Group 2024-2025 Calendar

Join the Housing Is Working Group to discuss special topics related to cross-sector initiatives and programmatic considerations particularly focused on the intersections of housing, health, and education.

This year’s public webinars cover topics such as child welfare and housing, leveraging Medicaid resources for housing services, out-of-school time, and digital equity in a post-ACP world. 

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Elements of a Successful Partnership

With generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, CLPHA developed an in-depth report on regional housing-education collaborations taking place at housing authorities across the Pacific-Northwest.

Read the Multimedia Report
Jun 1, 2023
Every May, Ascend recognizes the importance of raising awareness about mental health and the multifaceted ways that it impacts family prosperity and well-being. Even as Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, we are committed every day to uplifting the drumbeat across our community that calls for an end to mental health stigma, making strides to ensure that families can access quality services, and advocating for policies that support families' unique mental health needs. Join us in the national movement to raise awareness about mental health by exploring some of our new resources and sharing them with your community of changemakers!

Authored by: Ascend and the Jed Foundation for Ascend
Topics: Depression, Dual-generation, Education, Legislation & Policy, Mental health, Research
Shared by Sandra Ware on Jun 1, 2023
Jan 1, 2019
Homelessness during pregnancy poses significant health risks for mothers and infants. As health care providers increase their emphasis on social determinants of health, it is important to understand how unstable housing contributes to complications during pregnancy. We linked data about emergency shelter enrollees with Massachusetts Medicaid claims for the period January 1, 2008–June 30, 2015 to compare health care use and pregnancy complications for 9,124 women who used emergency shelter with those for 8,757 similar women who did not. Rates of mental illness and substance use disorders were significantly higher among homeless women. Adjusted odds of having nine pregnancy complications were also significantly higher for homeless women and remained substantially unchanged after we adjusted for behavioral health disorders.

Authored by: Robin Clark, Linda Weinreb, Julie Flahive, and Robert Seifert for Health Affairs
Topics: Child welfare, Depression, Early childhood, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Pre-natal, Research, Substance abuse
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 26, 2019

Homelessness Contributes To Pregnancy Complications

Jan 1, 2019
Robin Clark, Linda Weinreb, Julie Flahive, and Robert Seifert for Health Affairs
Homelessness during pregnancy poses significant health risks for mothers and infants. As health care providers increase their emphasis on social determinants of health, it is important to understand how unstable housing contributes to complications during pregnancy.
Jan 31, 2019
For a very young child, the relationship with a primary caregiver, most often though not exclusively a mother, lays an important psychological foundation for later flourishing. Successful attachment and bonding in the first two years of life predicts healthy later development on a range of fronts, from mental health to educational skills. When bonding and attachment prove difficult, child development is affected. Recent advances in brain science allow this impact to be shown more clearly and more definitively.

Authored by: Richard V. Reeves for Brookings Institution
Topics: Child welfare, Depression, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Health, Low-income, Mental health, Mobility
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Feb 5, 2019
Mar 1, 2018
Medicaid coverage reduced the prevalence of undiagnosed depression by almost 50% and untreated depression by more than 60%. It increased use of medications and reduced the share of respondents reporting unmet mental health care needs by almost 40%.

Authored by: Katherine Baicker, Heidi Allen, Bill Wright, Sarah Taubman, and Amy Finkelstein for Milbank Memorial Fund
Topics: Depression, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Metrics, Pacific Northwest, Research
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Jan 24, 2019

The Effect of Medicaid on Management of Depression: Evidence From the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment

Mar 1, 2018
Katherine Baicker, Heidi Allen, Bill Wright, Sarah Taubman, and Amy Finkelstein for Milbank Memorial Fund
Medicaid coverage reduced the prevalence of undiagnosed depression by almost 50% and untreated depression by more than 60%. It increased use of medications and reduced the share of respondents reporting unmet mental health care needs by almost 40%.
News Article
Jan 8, 2019
SNAP is the first line of defense against senior hunger and frees up funds for health care and housing. This is important because one way struggling seniors often meet rising health care and other costs is by cutting back on or skipping meals — coping strategies that can exacerbate existing health problems. SNAP improves the health and well-being of seniors by reducing the negative health impacts of food insecurity, including diabetes, hypertension and depression.

Authored by: Joey Hentzler for The Topeka Capital-Journal
Topics: Depression, Disabilities, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Midwest, Nutrition, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is on Jan 16, 2019
Nov 20, 2018
People with mental health disabilities are vastly overrepresented in the population of people who experience homelessness. Of the more than 550,000 people in America who experienced homelessness on a given night in 2017, 1 in 5 had a mental illness. The proportion of people experiencing chronic homelessness with mental health disabilities was even higher—nearly 1 in 3. Despite this fact, the reality is that most people with mental illness fortunately do not experience homelessness: While about 20 percent of all adults in the United States have a mental illness, less than two-tenths of 1 percent of people in the country experienced homelessness on a given night in 2017.

Authored by: Heidi Schultheis for Center for American Progress
Topics: Depression, Disabilities, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Mental health, Partnerships, Preventative care, Stability, Substance abuse, Supportive housing
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Nov 20, 2018

Lack of Housing and Mental Health Disabilities Exacerbate One Another

Nov 20, 2018
Heidi Schultheis for Center for American Progress
People with mental health disabilities are vastly overrepresented in the population of people who experience homelessness. Of the more than 550,000 people in America who experienced homelessness on a given night in 2017, 1 in 5 had a mental illness.
Oct 3, 2018
Using administrative data from Massachusetts, this study analyzes the health care use and Medicaid expenditures of families who experienced one or more homeless episodes between 2008 and 2015 to investigate how health care use is related to emergency housing experiences.

Authored by: Urban Institute
Topics: Asthma, Child welfare, Depression, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics, Pre-natal, Research
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Oct 4, 2018

Early Detection and Intervention Could Improve Health Outcomes for Homeless Families

Oct 3, 2018
Urban Institute
Using administrative data from Massachusetts, this study analyzes the health care use and Medicaid expenditures of families who experienced one or more homeless episodes between 2008 and 2015 to investigate how health care use is related to emergency housing experiences.
Aug 1, 2018
Homelessness among children is correlated with developmental delays, fair or poor health, and high healthcare utilization. Associations of homelessness specifically among infants younger than 12 months, however, are unknown. This study evaluates homelessness during infancy as a risk for adverse infant and maternal health and hardship.

Authored by:
Topics: Child welfare, Depression, Disabilities, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Food insecurity, Grade-level proficiency, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Metrics, Partnerships, Pre-natal, Research, School-readiness, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Aug 1, 2018
Aug 1, 2018
Although affordable housing holds great potential for improving the health of its residents, the optimal way to incorporate health into the affordable housing planning and design process remains unknown. Working with five community development corporations (CDCs), we performed a pilot study of their approach to developing Health Action Plans, a structured process that formalizes collaboration between CDCs and public health professionals.

Authored by:
Topics: Depression, Green, Health, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Aug 1, 2018
Jul 27, 2018
Anthem’s affiliated health plans and other managed care organizations (MCOs) increasingly are helping Medicaid members who are diagnosed with mental health conditions and substance use disorders (MH/SUD) find stable housing, secure meaningful employment, and address a range of financial and daily life challenges.

Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Depression, Funding, Health, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Nutrition, Substance abuse, Supportive housing, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 27, 2018

Medicaid Managed Care for Members with mental Health Conditions and/or Substance Use Disorders: Connecting Members to Social Supports

Jul 27, 2018
Anthem’s affiliated health plans and other managed care organizations (MCOs) increasingly are helping Medicaid members who are diagnosed with mental health conditions and substance use disorders (MH/SUD) find stable housing, secure meaningful employment, and address a range of financial and daily li
Jul 20, 2018
Despite the fact that people invest more financial, temporal, and psychological resources in their homes than in any other material entity, research on housing and mental health is remarkably underdeveloped. We critically review existing research on housing and mental health, considering housing type (e.g., singlefamily detached versus multiple dwelling), floor level, and housing quality (e.g., structural damage). We then discuss methodological and conceptual shortcomings of this literature and provide a theoretical framework for future research on housing quality and mental health.

Authored by:
Topics: Depression, Health, Housing, Mental health, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 20, 2018
News Article
Feb 5, 2018
A Nashville elementary school takes a comprehensive approach to trauma-informed practices, creating a space where students feel known and supported.

Authored by: Tom Berger for Edutopia
Topics: Child welfare, Depression, Domestic violence, Education, Low-income, Mental health, Safety, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 5, 2018
Jun 22, 2017
Unprecedented descriptive analysis linking HUD administrative data and results from the National Health Interview Survey (pre-Affordable Care Act)

Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Dental, Depression, Exercise, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Nutrition, Obesity, Research, Seniors, Smoke-free, Substance abuse
Shared by Steve Lucas on Jun 22, 2017