
CLPHA Education Working Group: Reducing Barriers to Education with Urban Strategies, Inc.

Dec 18, 2019
CLPHA's education working group held a webinar on Tuesday, October 8, 2:00-3:00pm ET with presentations from Urban Strategies, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that specializes in results informed human services development, planning, and strategy implementation as part of comprehensive neig

Can A Modern-Day Rooming House Solve The Affordable Housing Crisis?

News Article
Apr 30, 2019
Anne Field for Forbes
Call it boarding house 2.0. Startup PadSplit, based in Atlanta, has a novel approach to solving the affordable housing crisis—shared homes, with private bedrooms for residents (or members, as they’re called), fixed utility costs and a business model that makes it all profitable for property owners.

Fort Worth is a model for the country, HUD Secretary Ben Carson says. Here's why

News Article
Mar 6, 2019
Luke Ranker for Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Fort Worth’s work finding housing solutions for those facing homelessness can serve as a model for the rest of the country, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said Wednesday during a stop in Cowtown, one of several planned in Texas.