Racial inequalities

Renters in Chicago's black neighborhoods 4 times as likely to face eviction as those in white areas

News Article
May 16, 2019
Javonte Anderson for The Chicago Tribune
In African American neighborhoods like Williams’ South Chicago, landlords file for evictions at a substantially higher rate than in other parts of the city, according to a new report from the Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing, a local housing advocacy organization that reviewed nearly 300,000 Co

The Dire State of Latino Housing (and How to Deal with It)

May 15, 2019
Amelie Ramirez for Salud America!, UT Health San Antonio and the National Low Income Housing Coalition
Where you live is linked to how healthy you are.Sadly, U.S. Latino communities are marked by lower-quality, unaffordable housing, as well as high risk for eviction and displacement. This contributes to health inequities in this population.