
New Community | Jul 10, 2018

CSH/CLPHA/UHC Aligning Housing & Healthcare Cohort

Connecting grantees of the CSH/CLPHA/UnitedHealthcare planning grant, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that seeks to align public housing authorities (PHAs) and Medicare managed care organizations (MCOs) in three states -- Ohio, Texas, and Washington State -- at the system, program, and individual level.

Our new three-part video series explores the health impacts of energy efficiency

Dec 12, 2017
Sarah Hayes for the American Council on an Energy-Efficient Economy
In a new three-part video series, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy explores how energy efficiency can improve people’s health. We hear the stories of homeowners in three states. To look at efficiency’s impact in rural areas, Part One takes us to McDowell County, West Virginia.

Advancing a new wave of urban competitiveness: The role of mayors in the rise of innovation districts

Jun 1, 2017
Julie Wagner, Jennifer S. Vey, Steve Davies, and Nathan Storring for Brookings Institute
Over the past year, the United States Conference of Mayors and the Brookings Institution, along with the Project for Public Spaces have worked together to capture a new model of growth that is emerging in cities and the particular roles that mayors can play.