
Healthy Homes App

Nov 5, 2018
Content for this app was developed specifically for middle schoolers and educates them on the principles of a healthy home in a preteen-friendly format. Navigation is simple and intuitive. Interactive features include the Train the Brain and the ability to save a list of items found in their home.

Public Housing Capital Needs Study Confirms Funding Levels Too Low to Address Long-Term Capital Need

Jul 27, 2018
On June 24th, HUD released the 2010 Public Housing Capital Needs Study. In general, the study shows that since the last capital needs study in 1998, federal appropriations have been too low to make significant progress at reducing the backlog of capital needs.
New Community | Jul 10, 2018

CSH/CLPHA/UHC Aligning Housing & Healthcare Cohort

Connecting grantees of the CSH/CLPHA/UnitedHealthcare planning grant, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that seeks to align public housing authorities (PHAs) and Medicare managed care organizations (MCOs) in three states -- Ohio, Texas, and Washington State -- at the system, program, and individual level.