
New year, same debate? Washington needs a fresh infrastructure approach

Feb 19, 2019
Adie Tomer and Joseph Kane for The Brookings Institution
So, are the stars better aligned for an infrastructure bill this year? Unfortunately, rhetoric only goes so far, and Washington continues to suffer from the same elemental failure as it did in 2017—the U.S. lacks a clear infrastructure vision.

What would it take to ensure quality affordable housing for all in communities of opportunity?

Urban Institute
We can imagine a future where everyone can find and afford a quality home. Where every neighborhood offers a diversity of housing options. And where people up and down the income ladder can enjoy housing security and build wealth through ownership.

Real Families, Real Solutions: How Homeless Service Providers Can Meet the Needs of Young Children and Their Families

Jan 31, 2019
Carol Klocek for SchoolHouse Connection
For many years, the vulnerabilities of children experiencing homelessness have been glossed over on the assumption that their innate resilience would overcome the impact of homelessness. As someone who worked in the field, I would often hear, “Oh, they’ll never remember.” Today we know better.

How New Orleans Reduced Its Homeless Population By 90 Percent

News Article
Feb 19, 2019
Jeremy Hobson for WBUR
New Orleans faced a major crisis in homelessness following Hurricane Katrina. In 2007, two years after the storm, there were more than 11,600 homeless people in the city. Since then, New Orleans stepped up its effort to tackle homelessness and has brought that number down 90 percent.

Exploring the Effects of Work Requirements at a Small Illinois Housing Authority

Feb 20, 2019
Han Bum Lee and Paul E. McNamara for Housing Policy Debate (How Housing Matters, Urban Institute)
As the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) prioritizes programs to help households receiving rental assistance achieve economic self-sufficiency, researchers, policymakers, and advocates debate the utility of work requirements as an effective pathway toward economic self-sufficiency

Maine's Homeless Health Information Planning Collaborative: Recommendations for Statewide HMIS & HIE Data Integration

Case study
HealthInfoNet and Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH)
This is a summary of HealthInfoNet’s (HIN) recommendations to pursue the integration of Maine’s Homeless Information Management System (HMIS) with Maine’s statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE).

Connecting Homeless Individuals with Health Care and Community services to prevent Readmissions

Case study
HealthInfoNet and Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC)
In 2018, Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC), a Federally Qualified Health Center and The Hope House Health and Living Center in Bangor began a unique collaboration between health care and homelessness services utilizing HealthInfoNet’s Analytics and Reporting Platform (HARP).