
From Cool Roofs to Community Relocation: New Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience

Mar 29, 2023
Colleen Moore and Alexis St. Juliana for Abt Associates
Climate change will affect everyone, so what measures can U.S. communities take now to adapt and thrive? From water-saving landscapes to strategic retreats from hazard-prone areas, experts Colleen Moore and Alexis St.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades Can Help Multifamily Housing Remain Affordable

Nicholas Taylor, Jennison Searcy, and Pierce Jones for Energy Efficiency
Evidence shows that retrofitting the entire stock of multifamily apartment buildings in the United States could save tenants and property owners $8 billion a year in energy costs and reduce electricity consumption by almost 15 percent.

Public Housing Capital Needs Study Confirms Funding Levels Too Low to Address Long-Term Capital Need

Jul 27, 2018
On June 24th, HUD released the 2010 Public Housing Capital Needs Study. In general, the study shows that since the last capital needs study in 1998, federal appropriations have been too low to make significant progress at reducing the backlog of capital needs.

Our new three-part video series explores the health impacts of energy efficiency

Dec 12, 2017
Sarah Hayes for the American Council on an Energy-Efficient Economy
In a new three-part video series, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy explores how energy efficiency can improve people’s health. We hear the stories of homeowners in three states. To look at efficiency’s impact in rural areas, Part One takes us to McDowell County, West Virginia.