Early childhood

Place Matters: A Two-Generation Approach to Housing

Dec 1, 2018
The Urban Institute and ASCEND: The Aspen Institute
With collectively more than 100 years of policy expertise and values-based leadership between us, Ascend at the Aspen Institute and the Housing Opportunity and Services Together initiative at the Urban Institute partnered to develop a set of recommendations on how to harness assisted housing and pub

Could "public charge" reduce public preschool participation among immigrant families?

Policy Brief
Nov 5, 2018
Erica Greenberg and Archana Pyati for The Urban Institute
The potential impacts of expanding the regulation known as “public charge” have yet to be fully understood, but experts anticipate that young children in immigrant families—more than 90 percent of them US citizens—could be disproportionately affected.

New Research Reinforces Connections Among Homelessness, Childhood, and Education

Aug 28, 2018
SchoolHouse Connection
Current efforts to end homelessness are largely focused on the immediate housing needs of adults. Yet recent research further demonstrates the importance of addressing childhood, early care, and education in efforts to prevent and end homelessness. This blog post summarizes five new studies.

Housing Is Fall 2018 Update

Oct 24, 2018
CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is engaged in a number of cross-sector activities focused on developing partnerships, facilitating a community of practice, resource development, promoting best practices, online collaboration, policy and advocacy, and training and education.

Nutrition Supports for Families with Young Children: An Equity-Focused Policy Research Agenda

Policy Brief
Oct 9, 2018
This brief highlights evidence on nutrition supports for families with young children and proposes a policy-focused research agenda designed to address knowledge gaps in two areas: (1) understanding disparities in participation in nutrition supports and (2) assessing strategies to increase access to