Health & Housing Partnerships: Strategic Guidance for Health Centers and Supportive Housing Providers
Jul 13, 2018
This paper offers strategic guidance in building, assessing and/or strengthening various types of partnerships between Health Center Program Grantees, behavioral health providers and supportive housing providers.
Resources for Building Health Center & Housing Partnerships: Literature Review and Resource Bank
Resources for Building Health Center & Housing Partnerships: Literature Review and Resource Bank
Jul 13, 2018
Recognizing the layers to developing a health and housing partnership, this Literature Review and Resource Bank is intended to provide background and data resources that can be used in grant applications or in conversations with potential funders in the effort to foster new health and supportive hou
Braiding & Blending Funding Streams to Meet the Health-Related Social Needs of Low-Income Persons: Considerations for State Health Policymakers
Braiding & Blending Funding Streams to Meet the Health-Related Social Needs of Low-Income Persons: Considerations for State Health Policymakers
Jul 12, 2018
This brief aims to bring attention to non-Medicaid funding sources that states could potentially blend or braid to address social determinants of health and other needs that are not typically covered by Medicaid.
Deconstructing Philadelphia's "Blueprint" Project: A Unique and Effective Multiyear partnership to Expand Permanent Supportive Housing
Deconstructing Philadelphia's "Blueprint" Project: A Unique and Effective Multiyear partnership to Expand Permanent Supportive Housing
Jul 12, 2018
This article deconstructs the history, structure, and financing that have made this unique partnership between Philadelphia's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities, the Office of Homeless Services, and the Housing Authority, possible.
Addiction Recovery and Housing: A Report from the 2016 National CSH Summit
Addiction Recovery and Housing: A Report from the 2016 National CSH Summit
Jul 12, 2018
On June 7, 2016 CSH invited a diverse group of national experts from the housing, homeless prevention, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment, mental health, criminal justice and recovery fields for a special meeting on the topic of addiction recovery and housing.