The Path to Coordinated Federal Leadership to Strengthen Primary Health Care

Nov 4, 2022
Robert L. Phillips Jr, Christopher F. Koller, and Alice Hm Chen for The Milbank Memorial Fund
The 2021 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report, Implementing High-Quality Primary Care: Rebuilding the Foundation of Health Care defined a need for coordinated primary care leadership at the federal level.

The COVID-19 experience shows government budgeting can become more nimble

May 13, 2021
Stuart M. Butler and Timothy Higashi for THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION
Tim Higashi and Stuart M. Butler look at several examples of innovative ways in which communities responded to COVID-19 by using a variety of special techniques to “braid and blend” funds from different programs and sources to address pressing health, education and other service need.