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Found 12 resources.
Report May 2, 2019
Innovative public housing authorities (PHAs) are collaborating with college access partners and community colleges to increase postsecondary educational achievement for low-income residents and college students experiencing homelessness. This report elevates 11 shared learnings from a recent convening of these five pioneering PHAs and their postsecondary collaborators, and offers a series of recommendations to policy makers, PHAs, and philanthropic organizations seeking to develop emerging cross-sector collaborations between housing and education organizations. The report also includes an...

Authored by: Abra Lyons-Warren for CLPHA
Topics: CLPHA, Education, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Partnerships, Post-secondary, Stability
Shared by Abra Lyons-Warren on Oct 6, 2020
Webinar Feb 12, 2020
A discussion with attorney Alex Elson from the National Student Legal Defense Network and director of FAIL STATE, Alex Shebanow, to talk about predatory for-profit institutions and how that affects low income residents. About the film: Over five years in the making, FAIL STATE investigates the for-profit college industry and the decades-long reports of student loan abuse within the sector. The film’s central thesis: aided by a cabal of politicians, nationwide disinvestment in public colleges and universities, and an unscrupulous desire to maximize profits at all costs, for-profit colleges...

Authored by: CLPHA
Topics: Advocacy, CLPHA, Education, Housing Is Working Group, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Post-secondary
Shared by Abra Lyons-Warren on Feb 12, 2020
Report Apr 25, 2019
Access to affordable child care can be a major barrier for low-income parents who want to participate in education and training activities to gain skills or obtain employment. Child care assistance from the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), the federal block grant that funds states to provide child care assistance to low-income families, can help alleviate this barrier and make it easier for low-income parents to participate in activities that improve their skills and lead to stable employment with adequate pay. However, the CCDF eligibility requirements and priorities for service are...

Authored by: Semhar Gebrekristos and Gina Adams for The Urban Institute
Topics: Child welfare, Early childhood, Education, Legislation & Policy, Post-secondary, Research, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is on May 30, 2019
Policy Brief Mar 1, 2019
A brief to help state and local agencies identify opportunities to align and leverage policies, programs, and funding across the three laws to support the education-to-workforce pipeline; a workbook to facilitate cross-agency conversations to identify and plan for alignment opportunities across ESSA, Perkins V, IDEA and WIOA; and an interactive tool that identifies specific language in the laws that address college and readiness topics and help state education agencies and local education agencies find new or greater alignment opportunities in their plans.

Authored by: College & Career Readiness & Success Center
Topics: Asset building, Education, Legislation & Policy, Post-secondary, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Apr 2, 2019
News Article Feb 22, 2019
The grants provided under Assembly Bill 4702 aim to help colleges address hunger statewide, leverage more sustainable solutions to address basic food needs on campus, raise awareness for available food services, and continue to build strategic partnerships at the local, state and national levels to address food insecurity among students.

Authored by: NJBiz
Topics: Education, Food insecurity, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Nutrition, Post-secondary, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 4, 2019
Policy Brief
This annotated resource compilation is intended to help state and local agencies access information and resources needed to better understand the federal legal protections and requirements associated with datasets collected by federal agencies or as part of a federally funded program.

Authored by: The Network for Public Health Law
Topics: Data sharing, Disabilities, Early childhood, Education, Health, Homelessness, Legislation & Policy, Post-secondary
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Feb 20, 2019
Report Jan 10, 2019
There isn't federal data on food insecurity among college students nationally, so the GAO reviewed 31 studies on the topic, showing that most concluded that over a third of college students don't always have enough to eat.

Authored by: Elissa Nadworny and Clare Lombardo for NPR
Topics: Education, Food insecurity, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, Post-secondary, Research, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Jan 16, 2019
Policy Brief Nov 1, 2018
There are opportunities for federal and state policies to better support postsecondary institutions in serving students who are parents and their families. Policymakers can incentivize partnerships, name students who are parents as special or target populations, and facilitate financial aid processes that address the needs of families. Where possible, policies can also encourage creative and innovative approaches to leveraging existing programs to facilitate access and successful completion for parenting students. These recommendations seek to promote policy changes that address the critical...

Authored by: Ascend: The Aspen Institute
Topics: Dual-generation, Education, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships, Post-secondary, Research, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Nov 1, 2018
Young people are the workers of today and tomorrow. But those who become parents in their teenage years and early 20s, just as they are getting started in the world of work, are often confronted with a harsh reality: odds stacked against their ability to earn, learn and raise a family, which can threaten their children’s future as well as the strength of our communities.

Authored by: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Topics: Early childhood, Education, Legislation & Policy, Post-secondary, Pre-natal, Research, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Oct 10, 2018
Policy Brief
This short document provides basic information to help housing and homeless assistance providers advocate with their families and youth for appropriate educational services, from birth through higher education. The rights and protections outlined here apply to all children and youth experiencing homelessness, as defined by the education subtitle of the McKinney-Vento Act.

Authored by: SchoolHouse Connection
Topics: Disabilities, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Post-secondary, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Oct 10, 2018
Podcast Sep 17, 2018
About MDRC’s “Evidence First” Podcast Series: Policymakers talk about solutions, but which ones really work? Join Katie Beal, MDRC’s External Affairs Associate, as she talks with experts about the best evidence available on education and social programs that serve low-income people.

Authored by: Katie Beal with MDRC
Topics: Education, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Post-secondary, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Sep 17, 2018
Report Jul 19, 2018
As prospects seem to diminish for the next generation being better off than the current one, it is essential to elevate the successful work being done to address intergenerational poverty and create an intergenerational path of opportunity. Practical State Solutions profiles effective solutions from Ascend partners throughout the United States and the work driven by leaders in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Utah. It contains recommendations on processes that lead to better outcomes for families, lessons learned on engaging and bringing families to...

Topics: Asset building, Child welfare, Criminal justice, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Post-secondary, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is on Jul 19, 2018