Found 62 resources.

Climate change will affect everyone, so what measures can U.S. communities take now to adapt and thrive? From water-saving landscapes to strategic retreats from hazard-prone areas, experts Colleen Moore and Alexis St. Juliana explore a range of promising responses they’ve identified and explain why historically vulnerable communities must be part of the solutions.
Topics: Community development, Energy, Environmental Resiliency/Climate Change, Green, Housing, Low-income, Research, Sustainability

According to UN-Habitat, the world needs to build 96,000 affordable homes every day to address the
global housing crisis by 2030. Yet, better utilizing existing housing stock—through options such as shared
housing—can make a significant dent in the need to build more housing. With college students often
challenged to find affordable housing and many older adults living alone in homes with spare bedrooms,
these two groups are increasingly benefitting from living together. Universities are often well-suited to
facilitate students living and learning with older adults in nearby communities...
Topics: Community development, dual-generation initiative, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Mental health, Seniors, Youth

Looking largely at the 2020-2021 school year, the report is chock-full of information about how schools apply research-based strategies in a variety of different contexts – from very different school systems across multiple states – to make research translate into positive experiences and outcomes for students and their teachers in three critical areas:
• Instructional work, where math or English-language-arts teams, including instructional coaches, special-education teachers, and English learner/multilingual teachers, work to improve the quality of instruction within classrooms.
• Early...
Topics: Advocacy, Attendance, Child welfare, CLPHA, Community development, Education, Grade-level proficiency, Housing, Literacy, Low-income, Partnerships, Place-based, Supportive housing, Sustainability, Youth

The Administration for Community Living’s Aging and Disability Network is a multifaceted service infrastructure for older adults and people with disabilities so they can find housing and obtain services like chore assistance, delivered meals, and transportation. By partnering with this community infrastructure, PHAs can improve voucher utilization and leverage and align resources so older adults, people with disabilities, and people experiencing homelessness —all priority populations for federal housing assistance—can obtain supportive services needed to attain housing stability, optimize...
Topics: Advocacy, Community development, Disabilities, Health, Housing, Partnerships, Research, Seniors, Supportive housing, Sustainability


Higher education offers millions of people the opportunity to improve their financial well-being. However, higher education is prohibitively expensive and can saddle people with insurmountable debt. Costs beyond tuition—such as housing, food, child care, and transportation—are large, essential components of the cost of attending college for students. In order to better understand how these living costs add up and vary, this report offers estimates of costs beyond tuition for older students between the ages of 25 – 45, who make up roughly one-third of college students and face unique barriers...
Topics: Attendance, Community development, Education, Housing, Post-secondary, Stability, Workforce development

The devastating consequences of climate change will continue to impact our everyday lives, testing the resilience of our communities and influencing the processes of how we build housing. PHAs have been on the front-line managing disaster recovery efforts and are well-positioned to be leaders in advancing policies to develop environmentally friendly green infrastructure. This panel will discuss past endeavors to secure safe housing for displaced communities, what steps are required to mitigate future disasters, and how PHAs are designing plans to make greener and more healthier communities.
Topics: Community development, Green, Housing

Roundtable: Cross-Sector Efforts on COVID-19.
More than a year into a global pandemic, we continue to see disparities in infections, access to care, and economic supports, with an unequal burden on low-income and communities of color. This roundtable will discuss perspectives from housing, health, and policy for what we have seen and what may be to come, as well as ideas we may enact to create more permanent solutions, in addition to addressing current crises.
Topics: CLPHA, Community development, COVID-19, Education, Health, Housing, Partnerships

During the COVID-19 pandemic, service coordinators played a pivotal role in the support of older adult residents of publicly funded housing properties. Some independent housing operators employ service coordinators to increase residents’ self-sufficiency, physical security, social connections, and the delivery of long-term community-based supportive services. This report presents results from a survey conducted between June 23 and July 17, 2020 to explore the experiences of these service coordinators during the early months of COVID-19. At the time of the survey, about one-third of...
Topics: Community development, Housing, Mental health, Seniors


As housing costs have escalated and inequities persist across the country, many young people need flexible, empowerment-based investments to get stably housed and onto a path to thriving. To this end, direct financial assistance (“cash transfers”) with other supports offer a promising solution grounded in a robust global evidence base. The circumstances of COVID-19 amplify the importance of developing and evaluating youth-informed approaches to doing things differently.
This report shares results and implications of a year-long research and stakeholder engagement process that Chapin Hall...
Topics: Community development, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Youth


Trends in Housing Assistance and Who it Serves
Topics: Community development, Disabilities, Education, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Partnerships, Research, Seniors, Workforce development, Youth


Rental affordability is a significant challenge for metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) across the United States. The vast majority of the units Freddie Mac finances are affordable. Even so, our research shows that supply just hasn’t kept pace with demand in many metros, and that’s pushing affordable rents out of reach for millions of American families.
Topics: Community development, Housing, Research

Decades of policy choices and insufficient public and private investment have made the infrastructure needs of these communities acute, especially in many communities of color where past policy choices affected by racism, combined with continuing racial bias and discrimination, have resulted in a lack of needed economic resources.
Topics: Community development, Education, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income

Adequate, safe, and affordable housing is one of our most basic needs. But in the US, access to housing is not guaranteed. Demand for affordable housing is growing, especially as housing costs increase beyond wage growth in many communities. Hospitals and health systems are stepping in to help fill this gap. Because of their mission orientation, the importance of stable housing on health outcomes, and policy changes initiated by the Affordable Care Act, hospitals and health systems are increasingly investing in and supporting the creation of affordable housing in their communities.
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Community development, Health, Housing, Low-income


ProMedica and LISC team up to fund place-based investments in the hope of improving residents’ health. How do they do it?
Topics: Community development, Health, Housing, Place-based

Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are nonprofit, community-based organizations that steward land for specific community purposes. They are used to expand and preserve low- and moderate-cost housing, sustain commercial and civic assets, and foster neighborhood engagement through stewardship of the land. Although typically used as an approach for shared equity homeownership, CLTs can also stabilize housing access, increase affordability, revitalize properties in disinvested communities, and enable renters to participate in community governance processes.
Topics: Community development, Housing, Low-income
While the program has changed very little since its inception, the need for the program has increased. In 1975, the number of program grantees stood at 594. Today, the number of grantees stands at 1,268 as more communities qualify to receive direct program allocations. Based on a CDBG Needs Survey conducted by the CDBG Coalition (and discussed later in this report), CDBG grantees have delayed and canceled projects and reduced or permanently eliminated programs because of a lack of CDBG funds. CDBG is an important investment tool for communities and neighborhoods, but program funding must...
Topics: Community development, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Partnerships, Research, Safety, Seniors

We're creating the foundations of change. Together, we can provide more families with access to a safe place to live.
Topics: Community development, Housing, Legislation & Policy


Building more affordable housing units in the metros that are centers of innovation will increase demand for the wares that fill houses, and increase productivity.
Topics: Asset building, Community development, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Research


As Wilmington’s Riverside community embarks on an extraordinary revitalization effort, Christiana Care Health System is making an impact on health with a $1 million gift to REACH Riverside Development Corporation that will support community health and youth development programs.
Topics: Community development, Health, Housing, Low-income, Youth

A shortage of affordable housing on this island territory has forced hundreds of families to remain in damaged and leaky houses during the lengthy recovery effort. The widespread destruction of hotels and public housing, combined with the flood of workers who have rushed to the islands to aid in rebuilding, have pushed rents higher, beyond the means of many disaster victims.
Topics: Community development, Housing, Low-income, Safety, U.S. Territories


Community First! Village is built and run by the nonprofit Mobile Loaves & Fishes to lift the most chronically homeless off the streets and into a place they can call home. They live in about 100 RVs and 125 micro homes arranged on streets with names like "Peaceful Path" and "Goodness Way." Heavy machinery has broken ground on the neighboring 24 acres to add another 310 housing units. When complete, Mobile Loaves and Fishes believes it will be able to provide permanent homes for approximately 40% of the chronically homeless in Austin.
Topics: Community development, Homelessness, Housing, Place-based, South


Taller buildings in the hearts of more than two dozen neighborhoods, denser housing on some nearby blocks and requirements that developers help create affordable housing. That’s what Seattle is getting after the City Council voted unanimously Monday to approve some of the most sweeping zoning changes in the city’s recent history.
Topics: Community development, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income
To equip municipalities with the skills and tools to address these challenges, New York State created the $12 million Cities for Responsible Investment and Strategic Enforcement (Cities RISE) program, which provides leadership, management, and technical support to help 16 municipalities address deteriorating homes, vacant properties, and neighborhood decline through strategic code enforcement. Cities RISE uses code enforcement strategies to advance broader community development goals, and, in doing so, helps municipalities align programs aimed at improving residents’ quality of life.
Topics: Community development, Data sharing, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Partnerships


Use of the $35 billion in federal Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds for the 2017 hurricanes has been slow. Over a year after the first funds were appropriated, much of the money remains unspent because grantees in Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are still in planning phases. Also, the Department of Housing and Urban Development doesn't have the review guidance and monitoring plans it needs for good grantee oversight. We recommended ways to improve the oversight of disaster funding and better meet disaster recovery needs.
Topics: Community development, Funding, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Research, Safety, U.S. Territories

Although such a complex problem such as lack of affordable housing demands numerous solutions, modular construction looks promising, barreling toward a tipping point with a new generation of startups bringing a manufacturing mindset to multifamily construction.
Topics: Community development, Cost effectiveness, Housing, Low-income