Found 3 resources.

Climate change will affect everyone, so what measures can U.S. communities take now to adapt and thrive? From water-saving landscapes to strategic retreats from hazard-prone areas, experts Colleen Moore and Alexis St. Juliana explore a range of promising responses they’ve identified and explain why historically vulnerable communities must be part of the solutions.
Topics: Community development, Energy, Environmental Resiliency/Climate Change, Green, Housing, Low-income, Research, Sustainability

View this webinar to learn more about actions public housing authorities can take to promote environmental resiliency in their communities. We first heard from Natalie Hildt Treat, senior policy advisor for Building Electrification Initiative at Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM). Treat discussed NESCAUM’s efforts in the field of environmental resiliency, including her work helping states harness the power of clean, efficient electric building technologies to meet their climate and air quality goals. Next, we heard a case study about how the Municipal Housing...
Topics: Energy, Environmental Resiliency/Climate Change, Green, Healthy homes, Housing Is Working Group, Sustainability

In a new three-part video series, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy explores how energy efficiency can improve people’s health. We hear the stories of homeowners in three states. To look at efficiency’s impact in rural areas, Part One takes us to McDowell County, West Virginia.
Topics: Asthma, Energy, Green, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Place-based, Safety, Seniors, Sustainability