Found 2 resources.

Climate change will affect everyone, so what measures can U.S. communities take now to adapt and thrive? From water-saving landscapes to strategic retreats from hazard-prone areas, experts Colleen Moore and Alexis St. Juliana explore a range of promising responses they’ve identified and explain why historically vulnerable communities must be part of the solutions.
Topics: Community development, Energy, Environmental Resiliency/Climate Change, Green, Housing, Low-income, Research, Sustainability

Although affordable housing holds great potential for improving the
health of its residents, the optimal way to incorporate health into the affordable housing planning and design process remains unknown. Working with five community development corporations (CDCs), we performed a pilot study of their approach to developing Health Action Plans, a structured process that formalizes collaboration
between CDCs and public health professionals.
Topics: Depression, Green, Health, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Research