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Professional Development Trainings
Self-paced courses for home visitors and supervisors and webinars that cover: the basics of home visiting, foundations of infant mental health in home visiting, domestic violence in home visiting, substance abuse in home visiting, the impact of trauma on home visiting, building engaging and collabor
Low Income Displacement and Concentration in U.S. Census Tracts, 2000-2016
Displacement tracts are those showing strong economic expansion and a net decline in low-income population. Concentration tracts are those showing strong economic decline and a net increase in low-income population.
Legal Resource Library
The Legal Bibliography is collection of 100+ papers, toolkits and other materials focused on privacy, consent and policy documentation.
Bring it Home
We're creating the foundations of change. Together, we can provide more families with access to a safe place to live.
Aspen Family Prosperity Innovation Community
Resources from Ascend at The Aspen Institute
SNAP Map: SNAP Matters to Seniors
This interactive map provides state-by-state data on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation rates among eligible seniors and for comparison, participation rates among all eligible individuals.
Strengthening Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in an Evolving Policy Environment: A Toolkit for States
Mar 20, 2019
As the population ages, one of the greatest challenges facing state officials is how to organize and pay for long-term services and supports (LTSS) for low-income elderly and disabled adults—the most complex, expensive, and fastest-growing group covered by Medicaid.
Getting BUILD Ready: Tools and Feedback Survey
After working with 37 communities across the country over the last three years to drive sustainable improvements in community health we’ve we’ve seen how when specific approaches are implemented, namely Bold, Upstream, Integrated, Local, and Data-Driven approaches, meaningful change affecting the he