CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination

A go-to resource to communicate about preparedness and response efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Share resources you have developed, ask questions of other community organizations, and contribute to ongoing discussions on the Community Forum.

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COVID-19 related health question in 17 languages

Seattle Housing Authority
Seattle, Washington

The Seattle Housing Authority created signs in 17 languages with a public health-recommended question. A one-page, two-sided document labeled “multiple” is designed for maintenance and other workers needing to enter a unit to hold up from six feet and ask a non-English speaking resident to point to Yes or No in their language. Individual signs are designed for residents to use to indicate to workers, service providers and others if anyone in the household is symptomatic.

SHA is sharing these and other housing authorities are free to apply their own logo.

Word documents can be download from Dropbox