Aug 1, 2018
Work requirements in public housing are highly controversial, and
little is known about their impacts. We examined how implementation of a work requirement paired with supportive services by Charlotte Housing Authority has impacted residents’ overall well-being. Although the policy might improve well-being
by increasing household income, it might also engender stress through greater housing precarity.
Authored by:
Topics: Depression, Disabilities, Education, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Metrics, MTW, Partnerships, Racial inequalities, Research, South, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Aug 1, 2018
Work requirements in public housing are highly controversial, and
little is known about their impacts. We examined how implementation of a work requirement paired with supportive services by Charlotte Housing Authority has impacted residents’ overall well-being.
Aug 1, 2018
We examine the implementation of a community health worker (CHW)
program in subsidized housing, describe needs identified and priorities set by residents, and summarize participant-reported outcomes.
Authored by:
Topics: East Coast, Health, Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Metrics, Partnerships, Place-based, Racial inequalities, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Aug 1, 2018
We examine the implementation of a community health worker (CHW)
program in subsidized housing, describe needs identified and priorities set by residents, and summarize participant-reported outcomes.
Aug 1, 2018
The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont aims
to coordinate care and assist participants in accessing the health care and support services they need to maintain their health and age comfortably and safely in their homes. Most program participants are residents of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-assisted properties or Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
(LIHTC) properties. Our objective is to estimate the impact of the first 5 1/2 years of the SASH program on the Medicare expenditures of these participants.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Dual-eligibles, East Coast, Health, Home visiting, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Aug 1, 2018
The Support and Services at Home (SASH) program in Vermont aims
to coordinate care and assist participants in accessing the health care and support services they need to maintain their health and age comfortably and safely in their homes. Most program participants are residents of U.S.
Jul 27, 2018
This report aims to provide the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and other health foundations with a perspective on the emerging intersection of social determinants of health (SDOH), health care systems, and social and other services. These fields intersect in how and what data are collected, and in ways the data are used to improve health and well-being and promote a Culture of Health.
Authored by:
Topics: Data sharing, Funding, Health, Medicaid / Medicare, Metrics, Nutrition, Partnerships, Place-based, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
This report aims to provide the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and other health foundations with a perspective on the emerging intersection of social determinants of health (SDOH), health care systems, and social and other services.
Policy Brief
Jul 27, 2018
The effective coordination of a patient’s health care services is a key component of high quality and efficient care. In this brief we first describe the goals of care coordination and the central role for primary care, followed by the specific activities involved in care coordination. Next we summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of different care coordination activities that PCMHs and ACOs can pursue. Finally, we suggest roles for PCMHs and ACOs in coordinating care and summarize key points.
Authored by:
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Preventative care
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
The effective coordination of a patient’s health care services is a key component of high quality and efficient care. In this brief we first describe the goals of care coordination and the central role for primary care, followed by the specific activities involved in care coordination.
Jul 27, 2018
Anthem’s affiliated health plans and other managed care organizations (MCOs) increasingly are helping Medicaid members who are diagnosed with mental health conditions and substance use disorders (MH/SUD) find stable housing, secure meaningful employment, and address a range of financial and daily life challenges.
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Cost effectiveness, Depression, Funding, Health, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Nutrition, Substance abuse, Supportive housing, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
Anthem’s affiliated health plans and other managed care organizations (MCOs) increasingly are helping Medicaid members who are diagnosed with mental health conditions and substance use disorders (MH/SUD) find stable housing, secure meaningful employment, and address a range of financial and daily li
Jul 27, 2018
Authored by:
Topics: Asthma, East Coast, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
Jul 27, 2018
For fiscal year 2013, the Department requests $2.07 billion for the Public Housing Capital Fund to address development, rehabilitation, modernization and preservation needs of the Public Housing portfolio. While funding the Capital Fund at the requested level of $195 million over the fiscal year 2012 appropriation will not enable PHAs to meet all existing capital and accrual needs for fiscal year 2013, funding at this level will provide PHAs with some ability to prevent their housing stock from falling into a state of obsolescence, disrepair, and/or removal from inventory.
Authored by:
Topics: Funding, Green, Legislation & Policy, MTW, Sustainability
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
For fiscal year 2013, the Department requests $2.07 billion for the Public Housing Capital Fund to address development, rehabilitation, modernization and preservation needs of the Public Housing portfolio.
Jul 27, 2018
This review discusses how attitudes toward affordable housing are likely shaped by factors that influence other social policy attitudes— particularly ideology and stereotyping. The author concludes with recommendations and methods that planners can use to manage public opposition and influence attitudes toward affordable housing.
Authored by:
Topics: Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Racial inequalities, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
This review discusses how attitudes toward affordable housing are likely shaped by factors that influence other social policy attitudes— particularly ideology and stereotyping.
Jul 27, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between public housing and health conditions: specifically, we ask if residents entered public housing already ill or if public housing may cause the poor health of its residents.
Authored by:
Topics: Health, Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Metrics, Mobility, Nutrition, Racial inequalities, Research, South
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between public housing and health conditions: specifically, we ask if residents entered public housing already ill or if public housing may cause the poor health of its residents.
Jul 27, 2018
On June 24th, HUD released the 2010 Public Housing Capital Needs Study. In general, the study shows that since the last capital needs study in 1998, federal appropriations have been too low to make significant progress at reducing the backlog of capital needs. The study also shows that ongoing accrual costs have increased by about 15 percent. These findings reinforce CLPHA’s call for additional capital investment in public housing through increased appropriations levels and new approaches to leverage private capital.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Disabilities, Energy, Funding, Lead, RAD, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
On June 24th, HUD released the 2010 Public Housing Capital Needs Study. In general, the study shows that since the last capital needs study in 1998, federal appropriations have been too low to make significant progress at reducing the backlog of capital needs.
Jul 27, 2018
On January 1, 2014, in states that have chosen to expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act, nearly all chronically homeless people who lacked health insurance became eligible for Medicaid. This Primer offers state Medicaid officials and other interested parties strategies for using Medicaid to meet the needs of this very vulnerable population--some strategies that have succeeded in the past and some that are emerging under provisions of the Affordable Care Act.
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Criminal justice, Disabilities, Dual-eligibles, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Partnerships, Stability, Substance abuse, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
On January 1, 2014, in states that have chosen to expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act, nearly all chronically homeless people who lacked health insurance became eligible for Medicaid.
News Article
Jul 27, 2018
Health promotion interventions in public housing communities have the potential to reduce obesity among residents, a new study shows. Changes in their environment, such as fresh food trucks, walking groups, screenings, and cooking demos, helped Boston residents eat better and get more exercise.
Authored by: University of Washington School of Medicine
Topics: East Coast, Exercise, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Low-income, Nutrition, Obesity, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
University of Washington School of Medicine
Health promotion interventions in public housing communities have the potential to reduce obesity among residents, a new study shows. Changes in their environment, such as fresh food trucks, walking groups, screenings, and cooking demos, helped Boston residents eat better and get more exercise.
Jan 1, 2018
SAHF members believe that connecting residents of affordable housing with needed supports – such as educational resources or health services – can help vulnerable families and seniors achieve
a better quality of life. SAHF began the Outcomes Initiative to create a common framework for its members to demonstrate with data the impact on residents of providing housing-based services and support in the five key areas listed below.
Authored by: Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF)
Topics: Asset building, Cost effectiveness, Dual-generation, Education, Exercise, Food insecurity, Health, Housing, Mental health, Metrics, Nutrition, Safety, Stability
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 26, 2018
Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF)
SAHF members believe that connecting residents of affordable housing with needed supports – such as educational resources or health services – can help vulnerable families and seniors achieve
a better quality of life.
Jul 24, 2018
Although public-private partnerships (PPPs) have attracted practitioner and academic interest over the last two decades, there has been no attempt to integrate the general and health management literature to provide a holistic view of PPPs in healthcare delivery. This study analyzes over 1,400 publications from a wide range of disciplines over a 20-year time period. It synthesizes formerly dispersed research perspectives into a comprehensive multi-dimensional framework of public-private partnerships, and in so doing, provides new directions for further research and practice.
Authored by:
Topics: Community development, Funding, Metrics, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 24, 2018
Although public-private partnerships (PPPs) have attracted practitioner and academic interest over the last two decades, there has been no attempt to integrate the general and health management literature to provide a holistic view of PPPs in healthcare delivery.
Jul 24, 2018
The Affordable Housing Task Force began with an assumption that there was a compelling need to address the changing landscape of housing affordability in Pittsburgh. Through research, discussion, and community and stakeholder engagement, the Task Force has arrived at recommendations that respond to both the assumption and the realities of affordable housing in the city.
Authored by:
Topics: Community development, Funding, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Seniors
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 24, 2018
The Affordable Housing Task Force began with an assumption that there was a compelling need to address the changing landscape of housing affordability in Pittsburgh.
Jul 24, 2018
The community development “industry”—a network of nonprofit service providers, real estate developers, financial institutions, foundations, and government—draws on public subsidies and other financing to transform impoverished neighborhoods into better-functioning communities. Although such activity positively affects the “upstream” causes of poor health, the community development industry rarely collaborates with the health sector or even considers health effects in its work. We propose a four-point plan to help ensure that existing and future collaborations achieve positive outcomes and sustainable progress for residents and investors alike.
Authored by:
Topics: Community development, Food insecurity, Funding, Health, Low-income, Partnerships, Supportive housing, Transportation
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 24, 2018
The community development “industry”—a network of nonprofit service providers, real estate developers, financial institutions, foundations, and government—draws on public subsidies and other financing to transform impoverished neighborhoods into better-functioning communities.
Jul 24, 2018
Through the coordinated care model, those paying for health care get a better value and health plan consumers get higher quality care at a price we can all afford. And Oregonians are experiencing improved, more integrated care. With a focus on primary care and prevention, health plans and their providers using the coordinated care model are able to better manage chronic conditions and keep people healthy and out of the emergency department.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Data sharing, Health, Metrics, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 24, 2018
Through the coordinated care model, those paying for health care get a better value and health plan consumers get higher quality care at a price we can all afford. And Oregonians are experiencing improved, more integrated care.
Jul 23, 2018
Supportive housing programs are proposed as a way of increasing housing access and stability for the chronically homeless, improving access to needed services, and decreasing vulnerability to HIV and other diseases. Little is known about residents’ understandings of and experiences with different models of supportive housing and how they fit within residents’ broader strategies to maintain housing. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 23 residents and 10 service providers from nine different supportive housing programs in Hartford, Connecticut. Data analysis explored residents’ perceptions of and experiences with supportive housing programs in the context of strategies to access resources and receive emotional, financial, and other forms of support.
Authored by:
Topics: East Coast, Homelessness, Housing, Mental health, Place-based, Research, Substance abuse, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
Supportive housing programs are proposed as a way of increasing housing access and stability for the chronically homeless, improving access to needed services, and decreasing vulnerability to HIV and other diseases.
Jul 23, 2018
The first two brief sections set the policy context for the ongoing housing policy debate on the social benefits of housing. Next is a five-section critical review of the last roughly quarter century of housing policy research. This is followed by a discussion of outstanding measurement issues before the concluding section.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research, Safety
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
The first two brief sections set the policy context for the ongoing housing policy debate on the social benefits of housing. Next is a five-section critical review of the last roughly quarter century of housing policy research.
Jul 23, 2018
Both the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and New York State (NYS) have embarked on an ambitious journey to improve outcomes for patients and populations, reward the delivery of high value care by providers, and increase long-term financial sustainability. In this document, New York State presents an approach to maximally align CMS’ payment reform efforts for Medicare to the NYS’ Medicaid Payment Reform Roadmap which has recently been approved by CMS.
Authored by:
Topics: Funding, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Partnerships
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
Both the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and New York State (NYS) have embarked on an ambitious journey to improve outcomes for patients and populations, reward the delivery of high value care by providers, and increase long-term financial sustainability.
Jul 23, 2018
Part of New York State’s Homelessness Action Plan includes an investment of new supportive housing resources and services over the next five years to address vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness. Therefore, the availability of and access to various support services such as employment and training opportunities, parenting, counseling, independent living skills training, primary healthcare, substance disorder treatment and mental health care, child care, and benefits advocacy are critical components of any project funded under this plan.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Criminal justice, Disabilities, Domestic violence, Foster care, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Substance abuse, Supportive housing, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
Part of New York State’s Homelessness Action Plan includes an investment of new supportive housing resources and services over the next five years to address vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness.
Case study
Jul 23, 2018
Time and again, taking a narrow view of health care has proven ineffective in producing meaningful change. Yet the current
thrust of health care reform remains firmly focused on traditional health care services. Reforms such as care coordination models and patient centered medical homes are necessary but insufficient for homeless populations with complex problems. Pairing such reforms with supportive housing is more likely to result in lasting health improvements and reduced costs.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, East Coast, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Medicaid / Medicare, Place-based, Supportive housing
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
Time and again, taking a narrow view of health care has proven ineffective in producing meaningful change. Yet the current
thrust of health care reform remains firmly focused on traditional health care services.
Jul 23, 2018
In this article, we explore current law concerning residential smoking regulations and consider whether the implementation of a nationwide ban on smoking in public housing would be desirable.
Authored by:
Topics: Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Smoke-free
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
In this article, we explore current law concerning residential smoking regulations and consider whether the implementation of a nationwide ban on smoking in public housing would be desirable.
Policy Brief
Jul 23, 2018
Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) health centers have an integrated approach to delivering primary health care, health promotion, and disease prevention. PHPC health centers work closely with public housing authorities to address the health and wellness needs of the diverse residents.
Authored by:
Topics: Funding, Health, Housing, Low-income, Mental health, Partnerships, Place-based
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 23, 2018
Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) health centers have an integrated approach to delivering primary health care, health promotion, and disease prevention. PHPC health centers work closely with public housing authorities to address the health and wellness needs of the diverse residents.