Dec 17, 2018
Housing assistance plays a crucial role in stabilizing so many elements of a family’s daily life, including employment, education, and health. But despite its important role, our nation’s public housing program faces an uncertain future.
Authored by: Susan J. Popkin, Diane K. Levy, and Corianne Payton Scally for The Urban Institute
Topics: Funding, Housing, Legislation & Policy, RAD
Shared by Mica O'Brien
Mica O'Brien posted a
on Dec 17, 2018
Susan J. Popkin, Diane K. Levy, and Corianne Payton Scally for The Urban Institute
Housing assistance plays a crucial role in stabilizing so many elements of a family’s daily life, including employment, education, and health. But despite its important role, our nation’s public housing program faces an uncertain future.
Jul 27, 2018
On June 24th, HUD released the 2010 Public Housing Capital Needs Study. In general, the study shows that since the last capital needs study in 1998, federal appropriations have been too low to make significant progress at reducing the backlog of capital needs. The study also shows that ongoing accrual costs have increased by about 15 percent. These findings reinforce CLPHA’s call for additional capital investment in public housing through increased appropriations levels and new approaches to leverage private capital.
Authored by:
Topics: Cost effectiveness, Disabilities, Energy, Funding, Lead, RAD, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 27, 2018
On June 24th, HUD released the 2010 Public Housing Capital Needs Study. In general, the study shows that since the last capital needs study in 1998, federal appropriations have been too low to make significant progress at reducing the backlog of capital needs.
Jul 19, 2018
The link between federal housing policy and public health has been understood since the nineteenth century, when housing activists first sought to abolish slums and create healthful environments. This article describes how the Obama administration—building on these efforts and those that followed, including the Great Society programs of President Lyndon Johnson—has adopted a cross-sector approach that takes health considerations into account when formulating housing and community development policy. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development fully embraces this “health in all policies” approach. Nonetheless, the administration’s strategy faces challenges, including fiscal and political ones. Some of these challenges may be overcome by conducting quality research on how housing and community development policies affect health outcomes, and by developing a federal budget strategy that takes into account how investments in one sector contribute to cost savings in another.
Authored by:
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Community development, Disabilities, Health, Healthy homes, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Mobility, Partnerships, Place-based, RAD, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 19, 2018
The link between federal housing policy and public health has been understood since the nineteenth century, when housing activists first sought to abolish slums and create healthful environments.
Policy Brief
Jul 13, 2018
Practitioners and community advocates working at the intersection of housing and health have a unique role to play, both in guaranteeing quality affordable housing remains available for people of all incomes, and in making sure new investments in neighborhoods contribute to a healthy environment. To support those efforts, this guide includes the following: An overview of how renewed interest in urban centers is affecting housing affordability; A summary of the research linking rising housing costs to poor health outcomes; A set of key recommendations communities should consider as part of an overall approach to preserving, protecting, and enhancing affordable housing; and A library of local housing policies and strategies that communities can use to ensure the availability of affordable housing options, with a particular focus on rental affordability.
Authored by:
Topics: Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, RAD, Safety
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 13, 2018
Practitioners and community advocates working at the intersection of housing and health have a unique role to play, both in guaranteeing quality affordable housing remains available for people of all incomes, and in making sure new investments in neighborhoods contribute to a healthy environment.
Jul 12, 2018
With the new administration and Congress, policymakers have an opportunity to forge an enduring bipartisan consensus on affordable rental housing. There is more agreement between the two political parties than one might think: Strengthening the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, expanding the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Rental Assistance Demonstration program, continuing efforts to reduce homelessness, infusing real choice into the housing voucher program by enabling greater mobility, expanding self-sufficiency and asset-building incentives, and reducing regulatory barriers to increase affordable housing production—all have bipartisan buy-in. The question is whether lawmakers can find the political will to devote to the effort and the resources to make significant progress. This brief lays out the possible parameters of such a consensus plan.
Authored by:
Topics: Dual-generation, Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Mobility, RAD, Research
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 12, 2018
With the new administration and Congress, policymakers have an opportunity to forge an enduring bipartisan consensus on affordable rental housing.
News Article
Dec 9, 2017
Agency walks line of potential conflicts in seeking more private money
Authored by: Sue Reinert for Cambridge Day
Topics: Cost effectiveness, East Coast, Funding, Housing, Low-income, Mobility, RAD, Stability, Youth
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 5, 2018
Sue Reinert for Cambridge Day
Agency walks line of potential conflicts in seeking more private money