News Article
Apr 3, 2019
The Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a proposed rule Wednesday to improve its Section 3 Program, which requires funding recipients to employ low-income people and business.
Authored by: Jessica Guerin for Housing Wire
Topics: Asset building, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Metrics, Place-based, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Apr 8, 2019
Jessica Guerin for Housing Wire
The Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a proposed rule Wednesday to improve its Section 3 Program, which requires funding recipients to employ low-income people and business.
Oct 24, 2018
CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is engaged in a number of cross-sector activities focused on developing partnerships, facilitating a community of practice, resource development, promoting best practices, online collaboration, policy and advocacy, and training and education. Read about recent activities in this Fall Update.
Authored by:
Topics: Child welfare, CLPHA, Community development, Cost effectiveness, Data sharing, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Medicaid / Medicare, Mental health, Partnerships, Place-based, Post-secondary, Research, Stability, Substance abuse, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien
Mica O'Brien posted a
on Oct 24, 2018
CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is engaged in a number of cross-sector activities focused on developing partnerships, facilitating a community of practice, resource development, promoting best practices, online collaboration, policy and advocacy, and training and education.
Case study
Jun 25, 2018
The King County Housing Authority (KCHA), in partnership with the Highline School District and the nonprofit social service organization Neighborhood House, launched the Student and Family Stability Initiative (SFSI) pilot program in 2013 to provide housing and employment supports to homeless and unstably housed families with children enrolled in Highline elementary schools. In 2016, KCHA contracted with the Urban Institute (Urban) to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the program’s first three pilot years. This evaluation documents how SFSI works, who it serves, and how well it helps participants achieve housing stability. This report synthesizes findings from data collection conducted over approximately 10 months that included document review, interviews with SFSI stakeholders, and analysis of program and other relevant KCHA administrative data.
Authored by: Martha M. Galvez, Amanda Gold, and Sara McTarnaghan
Topics: Attendance, Dual-generation, Education, Family engagement, Housing, Low-income, Pacific Northwest, Partnerships, Place-based, Research, Stability, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien
Mica O'Brien posted a
on Sep 18, 2018
Martha M. Galvez, Amanda Gold, and Sara McTarnaghan
The King County Housing Authority (KCHA), in partnership with the Highline School District and the nonprofit social service organization Neighborhood House, launched the Student and Family Stability Initiative (SFSI) pilot program in 2013 to provide housing and employment supports to homeless and un
Dec 21, 2017
Authored by: Domenick Lasorsa for the National League of Cities
Topics: Community development, Cost effectiveness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Metrics, Partnerships, Place-based, Research, Stability, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is
Housing Is posted a
on Jul 5, 2018
Domenick Lasorsa for the National League of Cities
Nov 1, 2017
Why do some neighborhoods appear able to launch effective local improvement initiatives, while others are more hampered by fragmentation and mistrust? Why can some communities mobilize diverse constituencies to influence public policy, while others cannot? Answers to these questions may be found in the specific patterns of collaboration that form among community organizations, and between these groups, schools, public agencies, and elected officials, according to MDRC, a preeminent social-policy research organization.
Authored by: MDRC
Topics: Asset building, Child welfare, Community development, Data sharing, Dual-generation, Education, Family engagement, Funding, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Metrics, Midwest, Mobility, Out-of-school time, Partnerships, Place-based, Preventative care, Research, Safety, Stability, Workforce development, Youth
Shared by Mica O'Brien
Mica O'Brien posted a
on Jun 29, 2018
Why do some neighborhoods appear able to launch effective local improvement initiatives, while others are more hampered by fragmentation and mistrust? Why can some communities mobilize diverse constituencies to influence public policy, while others cannot?
Case study
Jul 10, 2017
These case studies provide a framework for implementing
or replicating promising approaches to use two-generation initiatives
specifically with housing authority residents as means to improve
life outcomes. This report features communities in San Antonio, Texas and
Durham, North Carolina to examine the key components of two-generation
initiatives: social capital; early childhood education;
post-secondary education and workforce development; economic
assets; and health and well-being.
Authored by: Abra Lyons-Warren & Amber-Lee Leslie for HOUSING IS, CLPHA
Topics: Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Education, Family engagement, Housing, Partnerships, Place-based, South, Workforce development
Shared by Abra Lyons-Warren
Abra Lyons-Warren posted a
on Jul 18, 2017
Abra Lyons-Warren & Amber-Lee Leslie for HOUSING IS, CLPHA
These case studies provide a framework for implementing
or replicating promising approaches to use two-generation initiatives
specifically with housing authority residents as means to improve
life outcomes.