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Housing Is Working Group 2023-2024 Calendar

Join the Housing Is Working Group to discuss special topics related to cross-sector initiatives and programmatic considerations particularly focused on the intersections of housing, health, and education.

This year’s public webinars cover topics such as the mobility asthma project, trauma-informed approaches to housing, resident-focused racial equity work, out-of-school time, and how FCC grantees are supprting voucher holders.

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Elements of a Successful Partnership

With generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, CLPHA developed an in-depth report on regional housing-education collaborations taking place at housing authorities across the Pacific-Northwest.

Read the Multimedia Report
News Article
Feb 18, 2019
For Yonkers families, the search for affordable housing is long and weary.

Authored by: E. Tammy Kim for The New Republic
Topics: Housing, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 18, 2019
The NQP Social Determinants of Health Data Integration Action Team brings together experts and recognized leaders from the private and public sectors committed to accelerating the integration of data on social determinants of health (SDOH) into clinical practice. Through a series of web meetings and one in-person forum, the NQP Social Determinants of Health Data Integration Action Team Action Team will develop and share successful approaches to integrating SDOH data to support providers and communities in their efforts to eliminate disparities.

Authored by: National Quality Forum
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Racial inequalities, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 18, 2019
News Article
Mar 15, 2019
Although such a complex problem such as lack of affordable housing demands numerous solutions, modular construction looks promising, barreling toward a tipping point with a new generation of startups bringing a manufacturing mindset to multifamily construction.

Authored by: Matt Alderton for Arch Daily
Topics: Community development, Cost effectiveness, Housing, Low-income
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 15, 2019

How Modular Construction Could Offer a Lasting Solution in the Affordable Housing Crisis

News Article
Mar 15, 2019
Matt Alderton for Arch Daily
Although such a complex problem such as lack of affordable housing demands numerous solutions, modular construction looks promising, barreling toward a tipping point with a new generation of startups bringing a manufacturing mindset to multifamily construction.
News Article
Mar 15, 2019
The venture is a small yet innovative player in a growing number of nonprofits developing new models for work force training. Their overarching goal is upward mobility for low-income Americans and the two-thirds of workers without four-year college degrees.

Authored by: Steve Lohr for The New York Times
Topics: Asset building, Broadband, Low-income, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 15, 2019

Income Before: $18,000. After: $85,000. Does Tiny Nonprofit Hold a Key to the Middle Class?

News Article
Mar 15, 2019
Steve Lohr for The New York Times
The venture is a small yet innovative player in a growing number of nonprofits developing new models for work force training. Their overarching goal is upward mobility for low-income Americans and the two-thirds of workers without four-year college degrees.
News Article
Mar 12, 2019
The proposed bill follows an NBC News investigation that found at least 11 public housing residents had died of carbon monoxide poisoning since 2003.

Authored by: Suzy Khimm for NBC News
Topics: Funding, Health, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Safety
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 14, 2019
News Article
Mar 11, 2019
The Trump administration released its budget proposal today for fiscal year 2020, and like its previous budget requests for 2017, 2018, and 2019, the administration is proposing steep cuts to both the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Transportation (DoT).

Authored by: Jeff Andrews for Curbed
Topics: Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Transportation
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 14, 2019

Trump administration proposes dramatic cuts to public housing - again

News Article
Mar 11, 2019
Jeff Andrews for Curbed
The Trump administration released its budget proposal today for fiscal year 2020, and like its previous budget requests for 2017, 2018, and 2019, the administration is proposing steep cuts to both the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Transportation (DoT).
News Article
Mar 12, 2019
Kaiser is investing $200 million in low-interest loans for affordable housing nationwide. This may be part of a growing national trend of health maintenance organizations investing in housing to improve community health. In Phoenix, United Healthcare lent money to a community development corporation, Chicanos Por La Causa, to purchase apartment complexes for Medicaid recipients. In Chicago, the University of Illinois Hospital helps to find permanent housing for homeless people who regularly present at its emergency department.

Authored by: Raquel Maria Dillon for Market Place
Topics: Affordable Care Act, Community development, Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, West Coast
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 14, 2019
On behalf of All In: Data for Community Health, Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) is conducting The 2019 National Inventory of Data Sharing Collaborations for Health to better understand the location and nature of multi-sector collaborations in the United States, their capacity for data-sharing to improve health, and to assess progress in this field among multi-sector collaborations. Your participation in The National Inventory will also help us identify areas for further learning and opportunities to support and expand these activities. All In: Data for Community Health is a learning network of communities that are testing exciting new ways to systematically improve community health outcomes through multi-sector collaborations using shared data.

Authored by: All In: Data for Community Health
Topics: Data sharing, Health, Partnerships, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 13, 2019

2019 National Inventory of Data Sharing Collaborations for Health

All In: Data for Community Health
On behalf of All In: Data for Community Health, Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) is conducting The 2019 National Inventory of Data Sharing Collaborations for Health to better understand the location and nature of multi-sector collaborations in the United States, their capacity for data-sharing
News Article
Feb 25, 2019
Increasing numbers of young Americans are unfit for military service. So why is the Trump administration rolling back nutrition standards?

Authored by: Dan Glickman for Roll Call
Topics: Child welfare, Food insecurity, Legislation & Policy, Nutrition, Obesity
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 12, 2019
News Article
Mar 7, 2019
Democrats this week announced new legislation that would slash child poverty by paying low-income parents the kind of monthly allowance that is standard in other developed countries. But the lawmakers who introduced the bill, called the American Family Act, didn’t use the terms “child benefit” or “child allowance” at their Capitol Hill press conference Wednesday. Instead, they all called it a tax credit or a tax cut.

Authored by: Arthur Delaney for HuffPost
Topics: Child welfare, Dual-generation, Early childhood, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Research
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 12, 2019
News Article
Feb 28, 2019
Child poverty in the U.S. could be cut in half over the next 10 years with a few simple steps, according to a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The cost would be high — at least $90 billion a year. But the National Academies report warns that the price of not doing anything would be far greater.

Authored by: Pam Fessler for NPR
Topics: Child welfare, Criminal justice, Early childhood, Education, Food insecurity, Funding, Health, Immigrants, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 12, 2019
News Article
Feb 5, 2019
We beef up law enforcement to attack crime, devote more funding to try and improve inadequate schools and tackle health disparities by getting more people to the doctor. But what if Baltimore could solve all of its persistent social problems by getting rid of poverty?

Authored by: Baltimore Sun Editorial Board for The Baltimore Sun
Topics: Asset building, Criminal justice, Funding, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Mental health
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 11, 2019

What if we just focused on poverty to solve the city's issues?

News Article
Feb 5, 2019
Baltimore Sun Editorial Board for The Baltimore Sun
We beef up law enforcement to attack crime, devote more funding to try and improve inadequate schools and tackle health disparities by getting more people to the doctor. But what if Baltimore could solve all of its persistent social problems by getting rid of poverty?
News Article
Oct 1, 2018
When children get sick from poor living conditions inside their rundown apartments, they miss school. And when 95 percent of students of one school live in the same apartment complex—where evictions are routine and black mold is rampant—classrooms are often left empty.

Authored by: Jamie Hwang for the American Bar Association Journal
Topics: Attendance, Child welfare, Education, Health, Housing, Low-income, Partnerships, Place-based, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 11, 2019

Atlanta pro bono proram expands to resolve elementary school students' housing issues

News Article
Oct 1, 2018
Jamie Hwang for the American Bar Association Journal
When children get sick from poor living conditions inside their rundown apartments, they miss school. And when 95 percent of students of one school live in the same apartment complex—where evictions are routine and black mold is rampant—classrooms are often left empty.
News Article
Jan 22, 2019
In 2016, the health system teamed with Spartanburg Community College and the National Center for Construction Education and Research, a nonprofit that provides global training and certification. Together, the three entities began offering construction skills training to area residents.

Authored by: Alan Jenkins and Melinda Young for Discover Health
Topics: Asset building, Health, Low-income, Partnerships, Workforce development
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 11, 2019

Building a Community

News Article
Jan 22, 2019
Alan Jenkins and Melinda Young for Discover Health
In 2016, the health system teamed with Spartanburg Community College and the National Center for Construction Education and Research, a nonprofit that provides global training and certification. Together, the three entities began offering construction skills training to area residents.
News Article
Mar 11, 2019
The housing crisis has given rise to acronyms which define the battle over new developments: "Yes in My Backyard" (YIMBYs) vs. “Not In My Backyard" (NIMBYs). And now there's a new acronym: PHIMBY, as in "Public Housing in My Backyard."

Authored by: Jessica Placzek for KQED
Topics: Community development, Housing, Legislation & Policy, West Coast
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 11, 2019
News Article
Feb 28, 2019
Over the past decade, the real estate fortunes for African Americans have reversed course. Despite a strengthening economy, including record low unemployment and higher wages for black workers, homeownership levels for that group have dropped incrementally almost every year since 2004. It fell to 43 percent in 2017, virtually erasing all of the gains made since the passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968, landmark legislation outlawing housing discrimination.

Authored by: Troy McMullen for The Washington Post
Topics: Asset building, Community development, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Racial inequalities
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 11, 2019
News Article
Mar 6, 2019
Fort Worth’s work finding housing solutions for those facing homelessness can serve as a model for the rest of the country, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said Wednesday during a stop in Cowtown, one of several planned in Texas.

Authored by: Luke Ranker for Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Topics: Funding, Homelessness, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Partnerships, South
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 11, 2019

Fort Worth is a model for the country, HUD Secretary Ben Carson says. Here's why

News Article
Mar 6, 2019
Luke Ranker for Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Fort Worth’s work finding housing solutions for those facing homelessness can serve as a model for the rest of the country, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said Wednesday during a stop in Cowtown, one of several planned in Texas.
News Article
Mar 8, 2019
Typhus, tuberculosis, and other illnesses are spreading quickly through camps and shelters.

Authored by: Anna Gorman and Kaiser Health News for The Atlantic
Topics: Health, Homelessness, Housing, Low-income, West Coast
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 8, 2019
News Article
Mar 1, 2019
Residents of a South Carolina public housing complex are demanding answers after two of their neighbors died from the gas.

Authored by: Suzy Khimm and Laura Strickler for NBC News
Topics: Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Safety
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 7, 2019
News Article
Mar 5, 2019
If rent-control measures pass in all of the states and cities where they're currently on the table, nearly a third of all renter households in the United States could secure relief.

Authored by: Sophie Kasakove for Pacific Standard
Topics: Housing, Legislation & Policy
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 7, 2019
News Article
Mar 5, 2019
Disasters are becoming more common in America. In the early and mid-20th century, fewer than 20 percent of U.S. counties experienced a disaster each year. Today, it's about 50 percent. According to the 2018 National Climate Assessment, climate change is already driving more severe droughts, floods and wildfires in the U.S. And those disasters are expensive. The federal government spends billions of dollars annually helping communities rebuild and prevent future damage. But an NPR investigation has found that across the country, white Americans and those with more wealth often receive more federal dollars after a disaster than do minorities and those with less wealth. Federal aid isn't necessarily allocated to those who need it most; it's allocated according to cost-benefit calculations meant to minimize taxpayer risk.

Authored by: Rebecca Hersher and Robert Benincasa for NPR
Topics: Community development, Funding, Housing, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Racial inequalities, Research, Stability
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 7, 2019
News Article
Mar 5, 2019
In a recently published report called “A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty” from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, its co-authors suggest policy changes that they claim could cut child poverty in half in just 10 years.

Authored by: Rhonda Fanning and Michael Marks for Texas Standard
Topics: Child welfare, Health, Legislation & Policy, Low-income
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 7, 2019

New Policy Recommendations Aim To Reduce Child Poverty By Half, Within 10 Years

News Article
Mar 5, 2019
Rhonda Fanning and Michael Marks for Texas Standard
In a recently published report called “A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty” from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, its co-authors suggest policy changes that they claim could cut child poverty in half in just 10 years.
News Article
Feb 22, 2019
The grants provided under Assembly Bill 4702 aim to help colleges address hunger statewide, leverage more sustainable solutions to address basic food needs on campus, raise awareness for available food services, and continue to build strategic partnerships at the local, state and national levels to address food insecurity among students.

Authored by: NJBiz
Topics: Education, Food insecurity, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Nutrition, Post-secondary, Youth
Shared by Housing Is on Mar 4, 2019

Bill establishing hunger-free campus grant passes Senate, heads to governor

News Article
Feb 22, 2019
The grants provided under Assembly Bill 4702 aim to help colleges address hunger statewide, leverage more sustainable solutions to address basic food needs on campus, raise awareness for available food services, and continue to build strategic partnerships at the local, state and national levels to
Includes: The Strength of SNAP and SNAP Action Needed, The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), and Child Nutrition Reauthorization.

Authored by: Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)
Topics: Food insecurity, Funding, Legislation & Policy, Low-income, Nutrition
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 1, 2019
Restoring the value of the minimum wage — and helping families cover basic needs — is essential to addressing hunger. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour has not increased since 2009. A more adequate minimum wage would foster the nation’s economic strength and growth to be shared in more equitable ways. Low-income workers and their families would benefit the most from a higher minimum wage, leading to reduced poverty, hunger, and income inequality.

Authored by: Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), the Economic Policy Institute, and the National Employment Law Project
Topics: Asset building, Legislation & Policy, Low-income
Shared by Mica O'Brien on Mar 1, 2019