A go-to resource to communicate about preparedness and response efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Share resources you have developed, ask questions of other community organizations, and contribute to ongoing discussions on the Community Forum.
Please use this as a general thread concerning funding needs (including questions and requests) that we can use to guide CLPHA's advocacy response to COVID-19.
Dominica Henderson
May 13, 2020
Now that the CARES Act funds have started to be disbursed, do we know of any housing authorities that have used the funds to pay for the premium/supplemental COVID pay? Have any used it for paying staff for hours that were not worked (i.e. if the staff only work 6 hours of the normal 8 or 9 hour day). I am not sure howo to ask the HR group so hopefully some people will look on the forum.
Now that the CARES Act funds have started to be disbursed, do we know of any housing authorities that have used the funds to pay for the premium/supplemental COVID pay? Have any used it for paying staff for hours that were not worked (i.e. if the staff only work 6 hours of the normal 8 or 9 hour day). I am not sure howo to ask the HR group so hopefully some people will look on the forum.