CLPHA COVID-19 Coordination

A go-to resource to communicate about preparedness and response efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Share resources you have developed, ask questions of other community organizations, and contribute to ongoing discussions on the Community Forum.

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General Thread: Funding Questions and Requests

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA)
Washington, DC, District of Columbia

Please use this as a general thread concerning funding needs (including questions and requests) that we can use to guide CLPHA's advocacy response to COVID-19.


Now that the CARES Act funds have started to be disbursed, do we know of any housing authorities that have used the funds to pay for the premium/supplemental COVID pay? Have any used it for paying staff for hours that were not worked (i.e. if the staff only work 6 hours of the normal 8 or 9 hour day). I am not sure howo to ask the HR group so hopefully some people will look on the forum.

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