News Article
Nov 6, 2017
Youth Villages is one of the nonprofits highlighted in this year’s annual giving guide released on Monday by the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania. The center, which researches and promotes charities that offer the most effective social good in specific areas, says one in eight people ages 16 to 24, or 4.9 million nationally, are considered disconnected, meaning that they don’t have a job and are not in high school or college. The rate is considerably higher in rural areas than urban ones. While these numbers have dropped since the depth of the Great Recession, the impact of that economic turmoil is still reverberating.
Author/Publisher Alina Tugend for THE NEW YORK TIMES
Foster care, Homelessness, Housing, Workforce development, Youth
Alina Tugend for THE NEW YORK TIMES
Youth Villages is one of the nonprofits highlighted in this year’s annual giving guide released on Monday by the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania.
News Article
Sep 7, 2017
In Tacoma, Washington, and other U.S. cities, housing departments are collaborating with school districts to give low-income and homeless students a leg up.
Author/Publisher Mimi Kirk for CITY LAB
CLPHA, Education, Housing, Pacific Northwest, Partnerships, Place-based, Stability
In Tacoma, Washington, and other U.S. cities, housing departments are collaborating with school districts to give low-income and homeless students a leg up.
News Article
Aug 9, 2017
The doctor’s office is moving into the kitchen.
After years of telling patients to skip junk food and prepare homemade meals, a growing number of doctors and medical groups are now going a step further and teaching them how to cook. Some are building teaching kitchens or creating food pantries right next to their practices. Others are prescribing culinary education programs in hopes of improving their patients’ nutrition and overall health. Some medical schools have even introduced culinary curriculums to train more doctors to talk to patients about food.
Author/Publisher Donna De La Crus for the NEW YORK TIMES
Health, Nutrition
Donna De La Crus for the NEW YORK TIMES
The doctor’s office is moving into the kitchen.
After years of telling patients to skip junk food and prepare homemade meals, a growing number of doctors and medical groups are now going a step further and teaching them how to cook.
News Article
Jan 25, 2017
A reading program designed to help men become better fathers is associated with better parenting skills as well as behavior and learning improvements in kids, a small study suggests.
Author/Publisher Lisa Rapaport for REUTERS
Early childhood, East Coast, Education, Family engagement, Literacy, School-readiness
Lisa Rapaport for REUTERS
A reading program designed to help men become better fathers is associated with better parenting skills as well as behavior and learning improvements in kids, a small study suggests.