Understanding How the National Broadband Map Impacts New Federal Broadband Funding for HUD-Assisted Communities

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Chicago, Illinois
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Join us for the next CHUSA deep-dive webinar to learn more about the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) new National Broadband Map. This Map provides information about the internet services available to individual locations across the country, along with new maps of mobile coverage, and will be used as part of the funding formula for Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment and Digital Equity Act grants, including to determine where funds can be used. The accuracy of the data underlying the map is essential as states and Tribes receive historical levels of funding to expand broadband access in underserved communities. If a location is not on the map, funding may not be allocated to connect that location. During this webinar, FCC staff will provide an overview of the Map’s functionality, ongoing data collection efforts, and how ConnectHomeUSA communities and other HUD-assisted organizations can ensure the map accurately reflects broadband availability in their community. HUD-assisted organizations should join the webinar to learn how they can ensure accurate data is in place for their communities before the next challenge deadline in mid-March! This webinar is part of an ongoing series that aims to help ConnectHomeUSA communities, other HUD-assisted communities, and tribes achieve their goals in connecting households to affordable broadband service, devices, and digital literacy training. View all webinars in the ConnectHomeUSA Webinar Series.
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