Showing up Together: Learning and Attendance Go Hand in Hand

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Chicago, Illinois
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Since the start of the pandemic, chronic absence rates have doubled nationwide, affecting nearly one out of three students by the end of the last school year. Early data from fall 2022 suggest rates remain extraordinarily high. These elevated rates reflect the devastating impact on students and families from three years of disrupted learning as well as ongoing health, economic and social challenges. Changing this trajectory is essential to recovery from the pandemic. It will require schools, communities and families to join forces to rebuild a regular routine of attendance and address the challenges preventing students from getting to school. Calling for this much needed collaboration, the theme of Attendance Works’ 2023 Attendance Awareness Campaign is Showing Up Together! Join us to learn ways to leverage the national Attendance Awareness Campaign to inspire action to improve attendance and engagement in your own community. Attendance Works will showcase its campaign materials as well as its newly updated Attendance Playbook, developed in collaboration with FutureEd. During this webinar, attendees will hear about the experiences and insights of state and local leaders who have successfully launched attendance awareness campaigns in their localities. These leaders will share why they have gotten involved, current challenges and opportunities for addressing chronic absence, and their plans for the coming year.
Campaign for Grade Level Reading
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