Equitable Access to Family and Medical Leave in the U.S.: How Are We Doing and How Can We Do Better?

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Chicago, Illinois
Thursday, March 16, 2023 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which requires certain employers to provide employees job protected (but unpaid) leave for specified medical and family reasons, is set to turn 30 years old. Abt has been assessing family and medical leave, including FMLA, for decades. We conduct large national surveys to understand employees’ leave usage patterns, unmet needs, and access to pay while on leave, as well as employers’ experiences with and perceptions of FMLA. In this webinar, Abt will draw on the findings from our most recent national surveys, conducted in 2019, to share evidence on: 1) the extent to which FMLA supports U.S. workers in taking leave from work for a family or medical reason without significant economic impact, and 2) the extent to which access is equitable for disadvantaged workers. We will share key insights from the surveys and from experts in the field to understand opportunities to expand and improve equitable access to family and medical leave.
Abt Associates, Inc.
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