Enhancing Child Well-Being with Cash Assistance: Lessons from the Child Tax Credit and Next Steps for States

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Chicago, Illinois
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Join the Urban Institute and the Berkeley Opportunity Lab as we explore lessons from the 2021 child tax credit (CTC) expansion regarding program design, take-up, access, and evaluation that can inform state-level programs. Following the temporary expansion of the federal child tax credit in 2021, 14 states enacted or expanded refundable tax credits, and additional states are considering similar proposals. At the same time, new research is beginning to shed light on how families used the expanded 2021 CTC, how this support affected outcomes for children, what kinds of barriers prevented many children in very low–income families from accessing the credit, and how all these impacts varied by race, ethnicity, income, geography, and other factors. Our conversation will explore lessons from the expanded CTC in 2021 and how state policymakers are moving forward with state-level credits.
Urban Institute
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