The Election: What, Why, and What's Next

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Chicago, Illinois
Monday, November 14, 2022 3:00 pm
The Coalition on Human Needs will hold a special post-election webinar to lay out what we believe human needs advocates should know about the next Congress and strategies we need to protect the policies and programs that people with low incomes need. No matter the outcome of the election, there will be a critical role for advocacy at the Federal level. Join us next week to learn more about the likely Congressional lay-of-the-land, get important opportunities for action in the lame duck session, and find out what messages resonated with voters and how those messages can be effectively utilized in the future. This webinar will be close captioned. Even if you can't attend be sure to sign up to receive a captioned recording of the webinar and important resources from our speakers. If you have questions or difficulties with the registration form please contact Nicolai Haddal:
Coalition on Human Needs
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