Culture of Health Web Forum - Affordable Housing & Health: Advancing City-Level Strategies to Generate Sustainable Solutions

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Washington, District of Columbia
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Cities and towns across the nation are experiencing housing related challenges. Inability to secure affordable and safe housing has a powerful influence on health outcomes for local residents. As the role of housing as a determinant of success in life — affecting health, access to education, and the opportunity for upward mobility — becomes better understood, cities face the daunting task of eliminating the affordable-and-healthy housing shortfall. The challenge for city leaders is to ensure that city residents can afford a safe and healthy place to live, one that enables them to work, support and protect their families, and ultimately thrive and reach their full potential. Join the National League of Cities and NeighborWorks America for this web forum announcing our upcoming Mayors Institute on Affordable Housing and Health: Advancing City-Level Strategies to Generate Sustainable Solutions as well as hear from city leaders and community partners on how they work together to improve housing and health in their communities.

National League of Cities and NeighborWorks America
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