Closing the Gap: Improving Attendance for Our Youngest Learners

Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
Chicago, Illinois
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
The extraordinarily high levels of kindergarten chronic absence — reaching 40% and higher in some states last year — is heartbreaking and alarming. The even higher levels of chronic absenteeism among economically challenged families and communities of color are especially concerning. Improving attendance is critical to closing the gap in learning and well-being that has widened during the pandemic. Please join us for a conversation exploring key questions, including: Why are young children and their families missing so much school? How can schools and community partners work with families to reduce absences and ensure access to crucial early learning experiences? Who are especially essential community partners for promoting student attendance and how can effective strategies be sustained over time?
Campaign for Grade Level Reading ; Attendance Works
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